Summary:The online overview offers comprehensive metadata on the EVS datasets and variables. The variable overview of the four EVS waves 1981, 1990, 1999/2000, and 2008 allows for identifying country specific deviations in the question wording within and across the EVS waves. This overview can be found at: Online Variable Overview . Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of Europeans. Replication of the EVS survey carried out in 1981. Themes: Important areas in life; feeling of happiness; state of health; ever felt: very excited or interested, restless, proud, lonely, pleased, bored, depressed, upset because of criticism; respect and love for parents; important child qualities: good manners, independance, hard work, felling of responsibility, imaginantion, tolerance, saving money, determination perseverance, religious faith, unselfishness, obedience; attitude towards abortion; frequency of political discussions; opinion leader; volentary engagement in: welfare service for elderly, education, labour unions, political parties, local political action, human rights, environment, animal rights, professional associations, youth work, sports, women´s group, peace movement, health group; reasons for voluntary work; characterisation of neighbourhood: people with a ciminal record, of a different race, heavy drinkers, emotionally unstable people, Muslims, Hindus, immigrants or foreign workers, people with AIDS, drug addicts, homosexuals, jews, left-wing or right-wing extremists, people with large families; general confidence; satisfaction with life; freedom of choice and control; willingness to give part of income for better environment; environment talks make people anxios; priority: for men, demestic people, able bodied and younger persons in case of scarce job situation; satisfaction with financial situation of the household; important values at work: good pay, not too much pressure, job security, a respected job, good hours, opportunity to use initiative, generous holidays, responsibility, interesting ...