Summary:During chronic or accidental releases of tritium from nuclear facilities to seawater or through river discharges, the dispersion of radionuclides in the marine environment is subject to multiple dispersion processes. These processes depend on the area under consideration and forcings such as tide, wind, heat and freshwater flows.Predicting the dispersion of tritium in the Bay of Biscay requires taking into account all these processes and the various inputs: the North Atlantic surface waters, discharges from nuclear facilities, freshwater inputs and exchanges with the atmosphere. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the knowledge on the hydrodynamics of the Bay of Biscay by coupling in-situ measurements of a water masses tracer: the tritium, with a hydrodynamic dispersion model (MARS 3 D).To achieve this goal, samplings were carried out in the Bay of Biscay and the two main continental contributors of tritium: the Loire and Gironde rivers.The combined use of salinity and tritium as tracers of continental waters makes it possible to differentiate into an innovative way the inputs from these two rivers at the scale of the continental shelf. The measured and simulated stocks of tritium within the shelf provided a first estimate of the residence time of continental water in the Bay of Biscay. Lors de rejets chroniques ou accidentels de tritium des installations nucléaires dans l’eau de mer ou via les fleuves, la dispersion des radionucléides dans l’environnement marin est soumise à des processus de dispersion multiples. Ces processus dépendent de la zone considérée et des forçages tels que la marée, le vent, les flux de chaleurs et d’eau douce. Prédire la dispersion du tritium dans le golfe de Gascogne nécessite la prise en compte de l’ensemble de ces processus et des différents apports que représentent les eaux de surface de l’Atlantique Nord, les rejets des installations nucléaires, les entrées d’eau douces et les échanges avec l'atmosphère. L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'améliorer la ...