Summary:The fitness costs that macro- and micro-parasites impose on hosts can be explained by three main factors: (1) Hosts use immune responses against parasites to prevent or control infection. Immune responses require energy and nutrients to produce and/or activate immune cells and immunoglobulins, and that is costly, causing trade-offs against other physiological processes like growth or reproduction. (2) The host’s metabolic rate can be increased because tissue damage and subsequent repair from the infection caused by parasite may be costly. (3) The metabolic rate of hosts may increase and hence also increase their resource requirements. Competition between macroparasites and hosts may deprive resources of host. Birds are hosts for many symbionts, some of them parasitic, that could decrease the fitness of their hosts. There is a huge diversity in potential parasites carried in a bird’s plumage and some can cause infection. Nest lining feathers are chosen and transported by adult birds including barn swallows Hirundo rustica to their nests, implying that any heterogeneity in abundance and diversity of microorganisms on feathers in nests must arise from feather preferences. we found that the effects of microorganisms on the behavior of birds may be a combination of positive and negative effects. There may be positive effects of antimicrobial activity on birds through the process of bacterial interference, consisting of certain bacteria impeding the establishment of competing bacterial strains by producing antibiotic substances. Meanwhile, the negative effects may imply that pathogenic or/and feather-degrading microorganisms may reduce fitness components of their hosts. These effects of microorganisms and hence the microbiome can be affected by the behavior of bird hosts. Les coûts de remise en forme que les macro et micro parasites imposent aux hôtes peuvent s'expliquer par trois facteurs principaux : (1) Les hôtes utilisent des réponses immunitaires contre les parasites pour prévenir ou contrôler l'infection. Les ...