Summary:International audience The Global Ocean Forecast System GOFS16 is an operational global ocean analysis and forecast system that runs daily at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) since early 2017. GOFS16 produces 7-day forecasts of the state of the global ocean and sea ice (three-dimensional ocean temperature, salinity and currents, as well as sea ice thickness, concentration and drift). The system is based on a NEMO platform confi gured in a global eddying ocean at 1/16° horizontal resolution. To compute the initial conditions for the ocean forecasting, in situ observations of temperature, salinity, altimeter data, satellite sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration are jointly assimilated each day over a 1-day observation window using a 3DVar data assimilation scheme which has been recently parallelized to deal with the global high-resolution grid at 1/16°. Statistics of the differences between the model forecasts and observations are routinely produced. This paper introduces the fi rst version of the GOFS16 system and details all its components. A validation procedure, including online web service, has been developed and here described.