Summary:[Departement_IRSTEA]MA [TR1_IRSTEA]QSA / DYMECO The Gironde estuary shows a large fish assemblage (75 species), among them, the European eel. This species declines in all Europe. Concurrently to this decline, biomonitoring studies using shellfish and fish have shown high metal pollution levels (especially for Cadmiun) and a relatively high level of Persistant Organic Polluant (especially for Polychlorobiphenyls PCB) in the Gironde estuary. In order to investigate the level of contamination and its impact on eel`s population dynamics, metals (cadmium, copper, zinc and mercury) and organic pollutants (PCB) were analysed in correlation with biological parameters such as age, growth, degree of maturation, and habitat use based on Sr/Ca ratio.