Procjena učinaka suradnje primarnog njegovatelja u obitelji i ostalih pružatelja usluga u sustavu palijativne skrbi

Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je ispitati zadovoljstvo primarnih njegovatelja palijativnih bolesnika kvalitetom pojedinih aspekata pruţenih usluga medicinske sestre u zdravstvenoj njezi u kući, patronaţne medicinske sestre, lijeĉnika obiteljske medicine i palijativnog tima. U istraţivanju je sudjeloval...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Rešetar, Sanja
Other Authors: Siljepčević Saftić, Vanja, Marđetko, Renata
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište. Odjel za sestrinstvo. 2017
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Summary:Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je ispitati zadovoljstvo primarnih njegovatelja palijativnih bolesnika kvalitetom pojedinih aspekata pruţenih usluga medicinske sestre u zdravstvenoj njezi u kući, patronaţne medicinske sestre, lijeĉnika obiteljske medicine i palijativnog tima. U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 60 ispitanika, primarnih njegovatelja palijativnih bolesnika koji ţive u zapadnom dijelu grada Zagreba. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je u domu palijativnog bolesnika, na naĉin da je medicinska sestra prilikom posjete zamolila primarnog njegovatelja da ispuni „Upitnik zadovoljstva pruţenom skrbi palijativnom bolesniku“, konstruiran posebno za potrebe ovog istraţivanja. Rezultati pokazuju da su primarni njegovatelji uglavnom ţene, prosjeĉne dobi 58 godina, ĉlanice uţe obitelji njegovanog pacijenta, koje njeguju palijativnog bolesnika dulje od godinu dana. 95% palijativnih bolesnika koristi usluge medicinskih sestara zdravstvene njege u kući te patronaţnih medicinskih sestara, a 61,7% usluge kućnih posjeta lijeĉnika obiteljske medicine. Ispitanici u prosjeku usluge medicinskih sestara zdravstvene njege u kući smatraju izrazito korisnima te su izrazito zadovoljni svim aspektima njihovih usluga. Usluge patronaţnih medicinskih sestara i lijeĉnika obiteljske medicine smatraju korisnima te su u prosjeku njima zadovoljni. Vaţno je istaknuti da samo 28,8% ispitanika zna da ima mogućnost korištenja usluga palijativnog tima, od kojih ih 3,3% zaista koristi, pri ĉemu njihovu korisnost ocjenjuju osrednjom. 74,5% sudionika bi voljelo da osoba koju njeguju moţe putem HZZO-a koristiti usluge psihologa, duhovnika i socijalnog radnika, koji su prema literaturi navedeni obavezni ĉlanovi palijativnog tima. 55,2% ispitanika smatra da raspolaţe svim potrebnim informacijama o svojim pravima vezanim uz pomagala, dok njih 38,6% nisu dobili sva pomagala koja su im potrebna. 50% sudionika ima osjećaj da su po pitanju njege bolesnika prepušteni sami sebi, pri ĉemu u prosjeku svoju kvalitetu ţivota ocjenjuju osrednjom. The aim of this study was to examine the satisfaction of the primary caregivers of palliative patients with the quality of the particular aspects care services provided by nurses in home nursing care, the patron nurses, family medicine physicians and the palliative team. A total of 60 respondents, the primary caregivers of palliative patients living in western part of Zagreb, have participated in the study. The data collection was conducted in the home of a palliative patient, in a way that nurse asked the primary caregiver to fill out the "Questionnaire of satisfaction with the palliative patient care" during the home visit, designed specifically for the purpose of this research. The results show that primary caregivers are mostly female, with the average age of 58, members of close family of well-cared patient who nurture a palliative patient for more than a year. 95% of palliative patients are using the services of nurses in home nursing care and the patron nurses, while 61.7% use house visiting services provided by family medicine physicians. In average, respondents consider the services of nurses in home nursing care to be extremely useful and are extremely satisfied with all aspects of their services. The services of patron nurses and family medicine doctors are considered useful and are on average satisfied with them. It is important to point out that only 28.8% of respondents know that they have the option of using a palliative team service, of which 3.3% are actually using them, whereby their usefulness is valuated as mediocre. 74.5% of the participants would prefer that the person they are caring for may use the services of a psychologist, priest and social worker through HZZO, who are the usual members of the palliative team. 55.2% of respondents think that they have all the information they need about their equipment rights, while 38.6% of them did not get all the help they need. 50% of participants have the feeling that the patient care is left to themselves, whereby, in average, their quality of life is valuated as average.