Kvaliteta života bolesnika na hemodijalizi

Uvod: Hemodijaliza je jedna od tri terapijske metode za zamjenu bubreţne funkcije i ustvari metoda odstranjivanja otpadnih produkata kao što su kalij i urea, kreatinina, kao i vode iz krvi u slučaju zatajenja bubrega. Preostale dvije metode su transplantacija bubrega i peritonejska dijaliza. Od nave...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kaljiković, Katarina
Other Authors: Puntarić, Dinko
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište. Odjel za sestrinstvo. 2021
Online Access:https://repozitorij.unicath.hr/islandora/object/unicath:520
Summary:Uvod: Hemodijaliza je jedna od tri terapijske metode za zamjenu bubreţne funkcije i ustvari metoda odstranjivanja otpadnih produkata kao što su kalij i urea, kreatinina, kao i vode iz krvi u slučaju zatajenja bubrega. Preostale dvije metode su transplantacija bubrega i peritonejska dijaliza. Od navedenih, hemodijaliza je najčešći oblik liječenja bolesnika s terminalnim zatajenjem bubrega. Bolesnici se uglavnom dijaliziraju tri puta tjedno, dok postupak prosječno traje četiri sata. Ciljevi: Cilj je utvrditi utječe li hemodijaliza na kvalitetu ţivota bolesnika te postoje li razlike u osobnoj procjeni kvalitete ţivota bolesnika na hemodijalizi s obzirom na dob, spol, duţinu godina dijaliziranja i pristupu dijalizi. Metode: Istraţivanje je provedeno među 95 bolesnika u Kliničkoj bolnici Merkur na Odjelu nefrologije, Transplantacijskoj ambulanti i Odjelu za nadomjesno bubreţno liječenje. Korišten je anonimni upitnik, izrađen u svrhu ovog istraţivanja. Prije istraţivanja dobiveno je odobrenje Etičkog povjerenstva KB Merkur. Podaci su analizirani statističkim metodama. Rezultati: Rezultati istraţivanja pokazuju da bolesnici liječeni hemodijalizom imaju podršku okoline (obitelji i prijatelja), paze na prehranu i nastoje se hraniti zdravo, zadovoljni su pruţenim uslugama u bolnici i smatraju da bi im transplantacija bubrega uvelike poboljšala kvalitetu ţivota. Analiza dobivenih podataka pokazuje razliku između skupina. Mlađi smatraju da ne uţivaju u ţivotu kao ostali ljudi, kateter/fistula utječu na njihov izgled dok stariji imaju drugih poteškoća kao što su sam odlazak na hemodijalizu i problem im je paziti na unos tekućina. Ţene češće uzimaju terapiju protiv bolova i smatraju da im kronične bolesti još više oteţavaju ţivot. Bolesnici koji se duţe godina dijaliziraju smatraju da ne mogu ţivjeti sami i da piju previše lijekova. Zaključak: Dobivenim rezultatima se povećava svijest o vrlo vaţnom segmentu skrbi za dijalizirane bolesnike, jer je njihova kvaliteta ţivota mjera ishoda liječenja. Introduction: Hemodialysis is one of three therapeutic methods for replacing the renal function and is actually a method of removing waste products such as potassium and urea, creatinine, as well as water from the blood in case of kidney failure. The other two are kidney transplantation and peritoneal dialysis. Of all therapies, hemodialysis is the most common form of treatment for patients with terminal phase of kidney failure. Patients use dialysis three times a week, and the procedure takes an average of four hours. Objectives: The aim is to determine whether hemodialysis affects the quality of patients life and if there are any differences in the personal assessment of the life quality of patients on hemodialysis regarding to age, sex , number of years that they are attending the dialysis, and the dialysis approach. Methods: The study was proven among 95 patients at the "Klinička bolnica Merkur" in the Department of Nephrology, Transplant Clinic, and Department of Renal Replacement Treatment. An anonymous questionnaire was used that was developed for the purpose of this research. Prior to the research, the approval of the Ethics Committee of KB Merkur was obtained. Data was analyzed by statistical methods. Results: The results of the research show that patients treated with hemodialysis have the support of the people around them (family and friends), they pay attention to nutrition and strive to eat healthy, they are satisfied with hospital services and believe that kidney transplantation would greatly improve their quality of life. Analysis of the obtained data shows the difference between the age groups. Younger people feel that they do not enjoy life like other people, the fistula affects their appearance, while older people have other difficulties such as going on hemodialysis and they have a problem keeping an eye on fluid intake. Women are more likely to take pain therapy and find that chronic illnesses make their lives even more difficult. Patients which are on dialysis for a long time feel that they cannot live alone and feel that they are taking too much medication. Conclusion: The obtained results increase awareness of an extremely important segment of care for dialysis patients, because their quality of life is a measure of treatment outcomes.