Vol 06 No 16 The Rexburg Standard 1912-07-02

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1912
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/825
Summary:The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was i The Place—Rexbur& The Time"July Fourth I BEST Advertising Medium I o Southeastern Idaho J THE OFFICIAL' PAPER OF THE CITY OF REXBURG HEXBl RG. FREMONT COUNTY, IDAHO. TUESDAY, JULY 2, I t IL NOMINATIONS fOR PRIMARY yvr publish below a lisj nf •>»' mndidalrs riled Tor Ihc primary. • i.-linn n b(- UM Jul- in; both Drum, r a l i r np<l ltrjtubl(ran. In ibc Stale iKfl coitaly: * Tliv Democratic party will be rep-rweated in ihc southeasternperi of the Stale by I In candidacy nf Hd- W n n I M. PugUUrr, Ut II. .ii I i kr h a* u (-Hitilhlitlr f . C. MrKissick; Justice of Supreme Cnuri—AlTcrd Budge, by l>. CI MrDougallr George I I . Stewart, by J. H. Richard-. tVovernor—John T. Morrison, by B John l>, Hnberlson: John M. Hninrs, hy l_ I I . Dewey: I'm.l (.hiaridbe. h) . Trnul; Bert '•' T ^ ~ ' " l.v l'. P, irutenant Governor — «. W. by Gcorgr I I . [.rwis; I I. v Worth S. Lee* General—O. Mi Van R Gowan; J. I I . Prlrr- Marljuii*. . , .f Stale—XV, L. nirforrt by It. K. Hyatt. ' Stair T r r m i i r r r W. II. Mrltcvn-olds. Ir* K. T. Wvinan; n. V.jMWa, by J. II Richards; (1 .V. Haslingv by J. I , Otapman. Slafc Auditor—Axel P. Hamslrdl. b y X . A. Hagon; Fred I . Huston, by M.' B. Yearn an. s • Superintendent of Pimlir tnslriic-llnn~ Gr»rr M. Shrphrnl. by (I. ( I. Malta. Mint- Inspector-Hiihrrt M. II, by F. S. Itowr.: Jam"'* A. Pact, In \V S. Hnlrr. W0.0DR0W WILSON fiElflVCS NOMINATION JULY 4th PROGRAM llallimurr, July L—Al V M thta af. I cm IHI. i, . . i i . i a Ktrrnuoiu balllc in rnntvplian uf more Ihan a week, V' W.HMIIHW Wilauti .if Xew Jcn*y »'M Fontiatly ilrclurcd Ihc miiiiinrr uf Ihe licmiM-ralic pari)" fur prrsi-dcnl of the L'niletl Stales. The mom- Inaliun came on the- lurty-sixth bal-lol, when Ihe vote ilnml as fullnwa: Clark. St; Wilson. 990; Harmon, 1^; a b s c n l . X ^ 3 r ~: Follow inu the role, Filtgrrald rrmrert Ihpl Wilson be'nominated by ncclamulinn. Senator Heed of Mis-i bluekcd the moiiun, li said Missiiuri a/aMcd lo be rcgislerrd ai ilina for Champ Clark In the last. Previous to ihc I.--.! ballot'Senator Slnnc of Mimouri iiskcil unanimous oo men I lo miikc n ftalemHU. He Mi. ii unn iced Ihnt Missouri would itaad i'ii on Chump ('.lurk lo Ihe finish, bul if defeated Clark and h i - supp4irtcrv will loyally siip)kirt the eonvrnllun'i eholcai Fin* withdrew in favor of Wll- UnderwiHHl withdrew in favo \Vll«m. Vrs. James I I . Wallls and children have mov.it back from Boise lato Iheir own home H| Main ilreet, where lhe> intend In remain. Mr. WeJUa, hlaho\ erriricnl itairy. fond .n.I u n i t a r y ins|>eetnr, arrompanieil Ihe rumily himtr, snd will remain unll) . . f l . r (he Fourth, when He w i ll r for Seallle. lo atlend Hie an-cnnvcnlinr. of Stale and X«- thmnl fo™f nfftcinK and chemists, l l o l k .• t . f r. Wallis Is nn the pe.mram at convention ror~lwo addresses,f*' of which is to be entitled "The Hesl l.x;.l Meltimls to hUnploy In the Fnforrcmenl or Sanitation In •HI IVoduclinn." U.mntivtionrr Walliy " also vbeduled for a talk a l ' h e ooitfer. nf Northwestern dairymen. 1o be hehl at Bniemaii, Mon I. Julv 19. 'Dairy Comlitions in Idaho." Is wiih pleasure lhat The SlnmlarH welcomes this proitrevsire family hark into our midsl. Dem ralle. i . i i R K r i ' « n : a II — In Frank jf. Fop m l r e . ' b v X I . F IlcTfri Unllarl Stales Senalor—Ccnrar W. Tnnnahlll, hy J. H. Smcad. Ci.nitressnian—I'ern \V. Milrhell, Fojw: Fdwiinl M. Pnj(- . Freehafer. Covi-rnnr—Jsmes It. Haw-Icy. by XV. .V. ('iMiitnanoiir. t.|.-ulrnint llovernnr—F. I. Par­ker, bv F. S. \Vimer: F>twar.L M. Hoirati hv I'imnihv Rcaian: William . C.-itlcmtar. hy\F. B. Kinyon. Altornev (Wnhrnl—J. It Bolhwrll, bv J. J. I t a v. Htota Aiidilor—John I. Overman, bv F. J. Phelps. SInle Treswirer-jjlobrrt XX". Frr-rU. h ( Knrl Palnr. * Mine Insperinr—(ieorar A. IJIIH-i r i s , by l"_ W. Jones. Superintendent of Public Instror. Vnrv 7,. Harper, hv Kalhrrinr I l c l f r f r l i . . Repnhliean Joiat Senators. Clrarwatrr-l-ewis Cnunlles—X n. Johnson, by J. I . Chapman. Adams-Wash InpRon Counties—F. M. Bartan. by I. P. Smilh. Bonnerille-Blnshnm Counties— CJpris Anderson, by P. Johnston: (ieorue XX*. Fd||fnin Hex-burg; XVallrr XX'alker. .Si. Anlhony A1 1tt.o TTI~n •n rJLA. . . . 1 * l _ f . . . . Xnihonv. , Treasu rer— 11 • r ry McConnell. SI Ramtall. I.v fc^reyor—A. S. Andsrsun, Mrnan. obalc Jmigej-n. M. Van Tassel, Hexbtirg. DeoeCSlie \ nm i n«iij)r. Slate Senalnr Jotin F_ Pinrork, T r l o n : Henry J- Flamm. Rexburg. rtcprrsentallvet — Peler Taylor. Hurloh; GeOorge N. Swarli, SL An­lhony; 11. It. Cunningham. Ash'lnn: H. J. Flirom, Rexburg; John Walker, l . ••• i - • i l l . . . H. D. Winger, rtrlgas: S. R: Rvoiis, DrlgRs; Elmer riavls. Small. Coanlv l>nimlssIoners—Frank B. Ell*worth. RJghy; RJrhard S. Smith, Rexburg; M. J. Kerr. Ora; Jesse M. Raker, Teton.' Assessor and Collector—M. M Uamond. St. Anlhonv. JHlcrfrf—John T. Vlsher. St. An­thony. Superintendent of Schools^Mrs. C.race M. Taylor. Marvsville. Coroner—John Phillips Rexbtrrg. Altornev—Bert II. Mlllrr. St. An- Ihory; OUrer C. Dalby. Rexburg. Treasurer—T>nn C. Driggs, nriggs; Mrs. Uelta Carner. Sugar City; H. A. Campbell. Hmirn; H. S. Jackson. Parker. . Surrryor—J. w. Kennedy, SI. An­thony. Probate Judge—C. Redman Moon. Sulule ul .Sunrise. d tjmcert—<J«. j_J stling (Hicks vs. Hunsackcrt— UAu to 1(i:3o (finJih itialcli. near ' l i . XV. Ituililing. I>urse »1&.0».) I'rsgraai at Tabernacle—tao. 1. (.h.i i n. Z Prayer b> Chaplain—J a uies Hlskel A :i. Speech of Welcome by Master of Oremonlcs—Hoiv J. COIIIII<H 4. Vocal Selection—Mas P. t l XVinler and Company. 5. Reading—Hulb SroeUie. 0. Sejeeliun by Hesburg Military UamL 7. Oration—Hun Hcbcr Sharp. ((. Indies" Double Ouartrlb—Itixliurg. , . V. Prayer by Chaplain—Jamca Hlake. t i s l l i i o me at l .ii l i rounds—11 ± I L M ~ U '" rensy Pole Krected o five Willi ii.N 11 .' Ii a. -II. i Mi,.n City vs. Higbv. Uarsc - H n •• i Fair tiround-. I»::i() i*j.lw—ei.00 lo i-ach of first -'Hound ul Fair (irounda. A special mrclinb was held J ine 29th at Hie Second XVanl meeting house. The Stake prmidenev wan in lull attendance. Afler Ihr.opening exercises. Pics-idenl Mark Auslin sni.l Ihey hml mel together In take laM convlderalion u chang.- in Ihe bishopric. Ilisliup Cook had been some lime ago by Ihe presidency IO • • \ a povi- ! ! > • • n f h t g l i lory^Tn.l i,, w as again uske.1 just recently, nnd he h»d consented to he release.1 lo (ul-r| ll Ihe culling of a high counsel, the duly of Uie AFTERNOON SPURTS AT FAIR GROUNDS—1 AO P. M. isv Pig I i.r,,.-,| in Front of lirand Slanii -MMI p. ni. (Free foi Purse tt.00.) '—-—. : — ^ —I Men's Bievclc Hace tunc m i l d , aHJ.On—| :3o p. m. y Race (Five Men Each Teui.i. One mile. OO.iKll. Childien's Itarvs («6U.0U Given in Piiies)—2 p. ra. The above events lo he held nn race track, cast of gr I slniut. utillec in rimrge are Ell MelCntlr • und Fred Parkinson. - Tug-of.XX'aff-Arriicr'and Sunnvdell vs. lAiujiii und Thnrnlou—e2j.0U. I gg nnd Pnlido'ltnrc Tor Men (Four lo l-.nli-rl —Sifiut. \ l-gg nnd Spoon Race (for I j i d i e s ) — V \ \ he. Ibarrow Rice (Boys over 15)—f2.iu. Uidics' Hace (Age over Id—,10-vard D a i M - S3.00 and *2.WJ. I ul Men's Hare (Over 2UU poumb.—j'Lwd Duvhl—*S.OO. I'al XVomcn's Ratx (Over 17J pouiuls—aO-vard dashl—H5.00.' lug-of-Wnr ITeton and Wilford vs. Salem nml |[ibb:inh-«2j.iiU. \ a i l - D r i v l i ig Contest for XVomeu—«SiaX M.m\ Hare (Free Tor All—100-yard I lash I—?I0.00. Hall i.MI:,• p, m. (Pocatclln vs. Winner Forenoon Game. Purse SKI ' Horse Rsee»—'• • p. m. I. Trol nnd Pace (Rest Two in l l i r r . - . Purse 150.1)0. Horses Speeil Record Barred.) " Two In Flve-YeanOld T n i l and Pare (Half Mile Hculv Hesl T c. Purse M0.MI). HHaakj f Mile Exhlhl l ton hace between I I U I I I M UaV:« D, and Hi Dp Huuning llai c (HalT Mile M T 4 L Purse *2.V0U). . Boys' Pom Hure (Ihdr Milt- llT-li. Purse SI(l.fNl). * (I. Farmers* Hltrh-nnit-Cn Huer il'urse '10.00). :—' All entries Mibjcrl to Ihe nppi.rvjd of Ihc Commlllce. Money s dtvhtrd ns fnltnscs: fi(**«w r r " 1 lo winners-; M ner' rrnt tf rsc Inking sc. I money, nnd per rent I-'third. " P. F. Smilh, J .Q Aiidri EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE son, Hyrum Ricks, Jr. t l XI \ „ i i h . XV. (Joyd A.lnms TRAINS. • (North nnd-South) will ta- h.1.1 id.Hrshurg unlil flOp. m. Park Trains (South Round. 11:IC p. I I L Nuilb n.miili J:."JJ J . I I I .I FIRE* ORES. A uiinid piTi.ii i hnieal ilis|.l»t will br KIV.-II IWO bh^ks smilli of I'irsl National Bank on Hie Hi. '< \r:.d-m.- Hill. Tlie l»-sl " Kifl Amerlrno iTr.ili.ms lie i h o w l nl nigld. FREE DANCE. . - A dance will be given in Ihe X.-ndrmv. In which no adinlsilui <• eharge.l. No A d m i s s i o n t o ,>Falr G r o n n di 11. J. FLAMM MADE BISHOP SECOND WARD >f the wajd In ap|>nint i :-eed Blsho|i Cor f lo it Ihc II II.- of Henry J. Flamm Knd been under •onsiderallon of the presldenry, nnd ihey looked inlo his record, which pml snlisfiictory lo Ihem, nnd Ihey considered hiui worthy.-JP receive lie iipjjointmenl T.S^ bishop or this *arrL Btahop Cook Ihrn rose lo sjHak. • ud il wai wllh feelings of cmol^on Ituri hr said he had been relucl.inl o accept ihe position of high co-tn-icl for Ihe reason Ihut he loved his >eople\jn Ihe ward. He Jiad in th- Ing hul Hie Kr*ii(c>l-re^*pesl for all of Ihem. I have Ihe greatest bjtcfral ul hearl for the people of-thls wanlv" SB*. 3?£ DEMOCRATS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ie candidary of Mn for governor, which has been laklng for Ihe pail several we^ks, as nol entirely nut oul of the rim­ing nmong Ihe Drmocrals unlil yes-lenlay, whrn n telegram was rerelv-rd fnuu Governor Itawlry concern­ing Ihe standing or the Idaho dele­gation al Ihr Baltimore rnnvrnthin*. Several of the Champ'Clark \MU> imrlerj suam|icd Governor HiiwTey vvtlrilelegrBmi Sunday, asking him whal he meant by voting for llrvun. The governnr sent back a tele­gram which angered the faithful and caused much comment to be made concerning the Handing o f Ihr Dem-orrery of selecting Ihe «V1egates who were sent to Baltimore, Thr lelrgram staled that Ihe Idaho dele­gation broke Ihe unit rule by a vole nf lo and lhal C.ovrrnor llawlev and' elVJcgales Hcltftcld, Smith. HIH nniTnich were Hand­ing by Iheir guns and voting for Champ Clark' on every battot lhal was being taken. Moses Alexander had command of Delegate* MfHrr. Poyrtyr, XYhlfTln. Culver. I^nsvry. Hutton. Coullrr, Rv-ans, and Fishrr, and vntlng Ihr V.- voles reprrsenleil nf Ihese delegates from Idshn for Wilson. This is snl.l tn mean a spilt between Ihe, Brvan-iTes and Governor Hawley. Democrata want lo know- when the name nf Wilson was mentioned In the Coeur d'Alene convenlim. nnd hose some of Ihe delegates *ol i | in in ihrir beads thai he seat even Ir the running as Idaho's choice.—Ma ho .Falls Post. St. Anthony. r a Thai old. persistent htadache wiU leave you if you have your eyes Properly attended bv a Specialist See Dr. Scarborough at (he Idabo Hotel. Raxbun. July fth. FIGHT PLANg COMPLETED. * RETURNS TO BE GIVEN HERE. I J U Vegas. N. M., July 3.-Fight fans are here und interested in In-morrnw's big mill between Jack Jnhnsoif and Jim Flynn. Prartieal-ly I l l l V f s being said about Ihe bel­ling mbis. because Governnr Mr. Donald has made^fl one of Ihe con­ditions of>Hnwing Ihe fight In take place that'the counly ami Ttly au­thorities "enforce strictly Hie State laws" for suppression of public gambling. This does not mean lhal Ihere U pot belling good and plentv, however. Ro|h men are fll and prime, urid both ury . uually ci dent lhal tomorrow's fight will be his own victory. The arena, which has n sealing rapocilv of 17.000. will be-rrow-ded to its limit. Unlike the Jeffries-Johnson bout, where the price ranged from »5,l» grneml ail mlssino fee to aTrfio.lal fnr boxes, there will br hul thrw different priceil seats and every chair w i l l bo reserveil. The ta-sl of the "hnuse" w i l l be sold for ••:'-./«. and Ihe'nest best «l n o , and I h e l i tp rows of thr arena are being held al alO.Ofi. Al these prices the promoters of the fight are rxneriflM Ihe galr re-ceipls tn leave a hamtsonje proffl for all ronrrrned. All bulletins and dispatches hi re­gard to this fight will be ditptayrd in Ihe big show windows of Ihe building sonn lo he occupied by the Keller Implement Company on I street as soon as lhay are received. Tbe Mountain Stales Trlrphone Company will pul In an instrument for this especial purpose, and be­sides posting Ihese bulletins free, Mr. Keller has-fitted up Ibe east room in Ibis buUdihg as a rcsllng place for Ihe ladirs and children, whirh will be open all day on th* Fourth and free lo all. > HENRY J. FLAMM. sid, "whethrr they belong lo onr faith or not, and I shall conHnue to take en Interest in Iheir welfnrc, nd of the ward generally. I I hunk ou, my brethren anil sisters, for hr many kindnesses you have shown towanl me during thr lime I have, been bishop of your wars*, n:il shall ever apprcctalc Ihc will-ingnesc you have shown to obey, and helped me to discharge Ihe dulii the ward." • — j — - 1 —— Mr. Flamm aditrcsscd Ihe meeting, and said that white hr w i n willing to obey Ihe call lo f u l f i l l Ihi of bishop, he would jusl as w i l l i ng to accept a call lo i mission lo China. He had labored In Ute bishopric for fifteen years, nnd fully realised t h * obligations of any onr accepting thai position. I hope lhat 1 will have you hcririy ro-opcrallon and luppoii |. jasisl mr in discoursing Ihe duties of bishop." The vole for Mr. Flit mm was unan ic newly np)Kilnted -bishop sc. lerled as his counselors Jacob BrrDs nrr. flrsl counselor, and Abnn Carfoinr. second counselor. Prrsldrnts Albert Heath. Ja Blake and Frra Dalhs- also envr short a. Iilreases Bishop Cook and his counselors have been exrrllent officers in the ward. Rishrsp Flamm i t as wnrlhv Ihe positi-m, as are •Iso'.hls COITR-srlnrs— Jarnh Rrrnnrr and. A. M Carbine. Dr. Scarborough, the eyr~slgbt sperialiM. will make bis next pro­fessional visit lo Rexbueg Monday. S, to .examine eyes and fll glasses fthat fll correct li and give results). See him al the Idaho Ro- UL \ On and after Julv' we posiliveir wiU not extend credit XV. 0. Kay Elevator Co. s QUARTERLY CONFERENCE ie iiuarlcrly conference of tbe Fremonl . Stake was held in the Slake Tabernacle on Saturday snd Sunday. All Ihe sessions were well attended, and the people were wall pleased with Ihe conference. Apoa- Hes Lyman and Mcuarda ware ng the visiting brethren of Use church, und gave excellent sermons al several of Ihc sessions. On Sub-lay evening a ipectal session of Use Mutual Improvement Association was held In the Tabernacle. Tin- '.singing under the direction of Dr. ( i c \ n e E, Hyde was a very com­mendable Tealurr or Ihe conference, und all who took part deserve praise for their efforts, ' SEVEN AVIATORS KILLED IN TWO DAYS. Atlantic City, N. J. July 1—MeJetn inlman and his brother, Calvin iniman. together with Fred Bu­rn. George Boullnn and Walter Guelek, were killed today by Ihc ex-plnsion or Ihe dlrignjblr hail.on Ak­i n , which burst when 200 feet In ir nlr. The men fell inlo tbe nlrr or the ocean. Thr balloon was being given a try-out preparatory to Melvin Veal­' s proposed trans-Allan tic flight I b e arridenl ia believed to have heen due to I h c operation of a r drvlee. for compressing gas. The pressure became so strong that Use '.•11.'.in gave away, EXTENSION TO VICTOR. The location survey of Ihe 0. S. I . branch from Drlggson tn Victor waa ordered lasl Mnnday by officials, nd Tuesday noon a large party of itrveyors arrived 11*" and were laker) nut on the branch to eojnplete Ihr work. If Ihr survey bt accepted he road M i l l he graded to Victor at ince and the laying of steel done the .ume time lhal the road It finished ntn Driggs. This InformaUon will tie greal news lo Ihe people of Vie- . and Ihe soolbV^d of Teton Ba —Ashton Enterprise. SMITH l i s IN I NG. / While secretary of thr Republican Stale central committee, an office he h r ld for a number or years with honor lo himself, no man was more popular In Idaho politics than Addi­son T. Smith, private secretary lo Senator Hryhurn. Mr. Smith I i ac­tively in Ihe race for congressman, hoping to become the'party's nom­inee. Ills duties are holding him al XX'ashingtnn during Ihr present ses­sion of congress, but he expects lo return to Idaho w i t h in a short lime to make a closing campaign. Mr. Smith haa many ardent friends who believe that be w i l l be Use success­ful nominee, and who are working hard lo deliver lhat honor to blm.— Boise Capital News. REMEMBER YOUR EYES. I l Is wHh pleasure we announce the nexl visit to Rexburg of Dr. Srerborriugh, ihe eye-sight specialist of Idaho Falls. As a specialist in f i t t i ng glosses In relieve headaches nnd nervous troubles, caused by un­conscious eye defects, Dr. Scar-borough is in a rtaas by himself, as faV as this part of Ihe country Is concerned. He has had excellent training In correcting aH manner of eye defects under three most noted specialists; he is ornsrlenUovs and reliablr.'and we recommend him lo any of our readers- needing their eyes attended. He will be al Use Idaho Hotel alt day Monday. July L Now would be a good lima In pre-t arc your rhlld's ryes (or the com. Ing school imil. See borough, Ute specialist, Monday, July S. at Idaho Hotel I f you .'un't swat/that fly. buy a r r r en door at the B. A M. Co, The W. O. W. will give a hall in their splendid hall the Ing of July 4th.