Vol 06 No 46 The Rexburg Standard 1912-02-13

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Format: Text
Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1912
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/687
Summary:The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was !•••*•••( *•••••»•<•«•••*<•••»•>• «? Sig Johanneson C A N D O Y O U R . , • Plumbing and Steam Fitting In a manner that will please and fire you satisfaction Rexburg Hardware Co. tit ae*: • « •» «* * «* w W *'m 'myhx^m. Aw a *j?>Jf'MJt PAUL BROTHERS Fruit and Meat Market Choice Meats of all Cuts. Home Grown, and Utah Fruits. Cold Meats, Pickles. Cheese, I «s Butter, etc Poultry and Fish carried in stock , We ceu supply the Irede w i t h their winter applea at apecial prtcea, either at Sunnydell f a rm or at Rexburr- RnUoor west of Studebaher's Phone No. SI • »•»«"«««»»««••.• aaje«aeaaaeeeae;ai The Idaho D. M, SHIELDS LEADING HOTEL IN FREMONT COUNTY Located I n Choicest Part of The Ctty R e x b u r s j , I d a ho Wanted Nrtotitlyr' "j*.ifiSo*"^10 S t . A „ t h o , , , P . b . t i a | a ^ j ' « i~ of work wsbseWmplished] derelop BB Cam abcrw profl«a. Ho ch anc« to VOCSBB. VTnlosj mis at one*. kMrmm Deila. SI. Anthony. Idaho. 191* BdlUon Wfce fat Blackfoot yenlnrrisy by Joel W flRI D Ml klANMC Joneg, special agent of the Ore- J M t * t"«-«/ MLMMPIMU gon Short Line, ^"V ,S Late Saturday nia^gome evil - f ^ ^ . - . I M' disposed parswo S j s e d tha swiichlock eut of ^che-JMnciifoot depot and also blocked lhe A witch pointa open ami "then set the switch lantern so as to indicate everj thing wii« riff lit. Befora the passenger train reached the town from ['ccatello a man Tin into the depot' with tbe inform* tion and the .agent got to thej •witch in time to throw it bark: into plact and avert what would • otherwise have been a great lots of life. Jones was reached at Ogden and he got into Blackfoot yes­terday, and after looking over the situation at once concluded the party guilty of tbe crime wss the man who gave the alarm. The sheriff had hold of him and after a bold f r o n f t o r sortie time he lii.Lilly broke down and made a.complete confession. He said he did it for notoriety find not to hurt anyone. His name is Louis yVeat, an adopted son of e« Mayor West, and • until recently was in the employ of the Oregon Short Line railway aa a brake-man. hen in Rexburg go to THE STAR Theater When you caa see the very Latest motion Picture*. Tha Films at this Theater are Naw aad come aired aad are shows hate before aaad ly any other Theater is thii County, Special'Singing Every Evening William Foel Prop. DMISSION -y :•' 10 CENTS Will Open Dancing School. Mrs. Burkett opened a skating; rink at Flamm's hall Monday night It ia proving a great' sue cess snd greater , numbers are attending every evening. Two shifts are beiog run now, the first from 7 to 9 and the second from 9 to 11. It ia good sport and healthful exercise and many are enjoying the evenings there. The rink is open every night ex­cept when a theatre or other attraction is billed in lhe hall. E3THAY NOTICE I bare lo tor. Ins 'i"*criBed animal to-wit: One Sorrel mare, about aerea rears d. weight1 about 1000 Iba., I I P i n left thigh. Oaa brown stare about ] old, weight about 10*0 Iba. 8 L, oa left thigh. One bar mare with atrip ta kboat 9 reara old. waistt too rmdod paasarj on left taiga Unless ad tabes away aad oaaraaa thereon, aald aaltnals wtU at FabUe auction at mr corrals at Can yon Creek, Thursday, March 1, 1111. Christie Miller, ConiUble. -Ueled Jan. is, i t l t . a> .fctaT Mi, To the east, the west, north aad sooth the possibility far a conversation with friends and easiness associates at a dis­tance are endless if you have a Bell Telephone aaa Talsga-aph Csaasasay Tlatter Wraps at tha Standard See ear Q C. Rlnge—you'll serilj want .one bccirs* of taek* ares* bsauty and worth. Looks* Iftharr coet twice tbe price With each ring you gel a primed gaaiwn.ee that Insure, jou against lost steoes (escspt diamonds!. \vaesaxr Oaa share at twa aag dollars I aaaa grre ta ev­ery soy vae aaUs ha taa at frteada a standard t t r i aaat article eaah week thaa aenae mer. Ia addilion te Ska Mg prise a ragalar taeeaia lg la rared. ni taft roa how. stake a list ot taa aaaaaa aag esV dreaoea. Brtng tt wtth raa. Too needat mtaa ball aaava or ftahlnx trip. Bring rear .parents If roa choose. Come New Second Hand Store Seconn Hand Bought and S o l d . . . W raw Waal to SaW or away, CsO *a NEXT TO RANDS STOKE ajaaSsae. aae. A. W. NICHOLS Veterlaarlan Phase Its Suburr Standard |sb worh always pleases Wm. L. Galbraith Lorenzo, Idaho. v Hmro /vat rata al vex/ a aae or aaggfaa/ Por tbo Wfjat kind ot a Barter ajygs_WgAt kind ot a pHoo ~ i mttarmm Remember The Place | Im ef Wm. L. Galbraith Lorenzo, Idaho. Jeo,a ee l auds foe moo wroeoarn Slid sb ll­aa. Onr 2000 pauam*. Look I a C. atajnp inside each Hog. i " and gat tire Uiwastoee card. H. WOLFENSBERGER, The Reliable Jeweler ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice ia nereby gtrea that at a meeting of the board ot the Held Canal Gov Lyman, an ae iraarnent of 11 50 iter eh ara waa ler-i td upon the capital stock of taa OOT P5Jration, due now February XIrd- H' not -paid when delinquent i*ook will ba sold according TO law said asaeaamant Is parable . Marry Randall Bear. FOUND-rWatoh charm i rack. Own ar Oka hara I rertbriug tl and paying for thje ao-nee, y FIRST NATIONAL BANK O r R E X B U RG BnpltnlStock $50,000.00 Surplus $18, OOO. 00 Uadtvldod Profits $922.00 1% Tha Offttscra t l . Uwwack. Praaairt S J. Hsssa. Yin PiaslSsst A. S Carttaa, DIRECTORS C. I . Maatsus w. w. atw t.r;: ca Thla rash la asslafad foe tha sesoflt of tto Crtttaai at tsilsra; aod rlawatly. Wa hare coafieeaa is yes, and wast yes i i hare is « >aeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAeeae