Vol 06 No 13 The Rexburg Standard 1911-06-29

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Format: Text
Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1911
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/497
Summary:The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was he Grocer Telephones . - I'n; Sorry Mrs. Blank, but we arc jtiat out o l H u t aold ihe Natal t h i * nsonUnjr. Musi have i t todiy? A l l riffbt. w e ' l l gel it , Tor you. Centeral, Rive uie lonjc diatancc. The grocer get* ihe wholesaler i n a neiKhbonnk c i t y , ordera the goods aatlafiei his cualomer. prottcta hia trade D n l c r i n i ' hy mail i n such a cnse would )te out of ihe question. y It in the Itell Telephone Local and Long Distance- Service t hm Makes Such Accommodation* Possible, KOCKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE / COMPANY W. C . t J L O Y D , M a n a g er *• + + + + + + + + + + + + +A+ + + + ++*** + + • + + + + + • + + + + + + + + • • + + + + + Your In The Right Store And ;et the Right Prices for weddlnr. Presents, Weddjne; Rhits and Diamonds'. WatcbePCIocks, Silrerware, etc All Goods Guaranteed H. Wolfensperger Ths Jeweler * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Idaho D. M. SMILLDS Proprietor^ ' LADING HOTEL IN J FREMONT COIJNTY Located In Choicest Part of The City R e x b u r s , I d a h o . MONEY FOR- W l Statesman Baraaa. WAaUmOtrOTON^. D. C . Jane » .— Senator Dixon baa b«en urge! to t ry to secure ro appropriation at tbla rrssfon for the shipment of currency to western el ilea la tfmq ror tba movement of thla yeera crop*. Tbara wfll bo no general appropriation bllla h l i acaalon but Senator Dixon baa agreed to offer an amendment to h« deficiency bill, passed by- tha hooaa ihla «-eek, making an adequate appropriation for thla purpose. Hia amendment will be laice enough defray the cost of shipments of cur­rency to all ihe lane cttlee of the weat which are Important shlpplnf reniera. It Is' anticipated the senate a l i i adopt amendment cone Mra. F. Marti. Bt, Joe. Kloh aaya "Oar llttla boy contracted 4 'serera bronchial trouble and sa tha doe-tor's msdcine did not cure bim. KIDNEY DISEASES ARE CURABLE under rerialn conditions. Tha riant medicine moat be taken berore The •Usees* hM-T) regressed too far. Vrry A. pttmsn. Dale, Tex., says was down In ber for four mouths with kidney and bladder «raubla and anil Hones. On* bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound. Ask for It. For -.it,, by Rriburg Drue Co. Tba harvest aeaaoQ Is the mos» rylrsaT of the year. Thara nob *o be done, so Httl« time to Jo It In sod to few hands lo Unh It, thst we are often i wh'a end. Let oa, however, hava laat we attempt too much we put too arret a burden Compound In whlcb 1 bave __, •allh. It ear 1 iha conjh as wad aa the /choking and naggm. I ^ I L , . aad be aut wall In a short lime. Foleys I Ion. 7 aad Tar Com po trod has many time* saved ns maefa trouble aad we ar*/n*ver vrithou/lt la the houee." NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Oepartment of tha Interior. V. B. Land cMce at Btacktoot. Idaho June I I , i m . \ Notloa la hereby clvan r i a t Olaf 8 Anderson, cf Rexburf. Idaho, who, ot> May M, IKK. m a j , Horn set ssd Ap-lUcattoa Serial 0980, No 1M«. for ^Southeast quarter of Section of SI Townahlp 6 North. Range 40 East Bolae Meridian, haa HW notle* oT by lenilon to make nasi five-year proof to establish claim to tbe land abov* described, before John W. . ft United Statea Commissioner, al R » fcurg, Idaho, on the l t t h doy of Au-eust, 1911. Claimant names as wltnesaea: **t-ewla r . Park. Caleb V. A n d* Joseph W. Butte. Jr. Pace 81tlln,.sn of Rexbarf. Idsho. HENRY W KIEFER, the wtfo and danthter. The sanitariums are filled wtth men and women who hare broken down from orb and worry at -nrtddle We.- The. utmost that we can hope to f x f o la worth socb a fearful ate rifles SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Foley's Honr-y and Tar Compound l a 'a safs snd effective medicine for ' h l t l r r u as It does not contain opt­ion or harmful drncs. Tba aeuulns Foley's Honey^ and Tar Compound If In a yellow pachsxe. •oplnx congb la not daniarons • M M I > l » > # t » M O » M I M M » M t f » » NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ef the Interior, . B. Land Office at Blaekfoot, ataxias Juna B l l l l . Notloa ta hereby rdvan that Wtnjam IrOnroTbr Rexburf, Idsho who on May. l«, 13.S. plication, Beriel No. 01414, No. 11TM for Botttbwsat 1-4/ Section i i , Town' ihlp S North. Range «0 East, Botss Meridian, haa died notice of Inten­tion to make final commutation proof to establish claim t 0 the laad abor* described, before John W. smith. Unt­ied Btaxaa Commleloner. at Rexbarf. Idaho, on the lat day of August, m i . . Claimant names as wttaeaeee- John A, Pearaou, Andrew JaooaoB when th, conch I . kept too~_ and J. Frad Smith. David E r i c h a o a ! \£ expectoration easy by glvlBf Cham of Rexbarf, Idaho. '•erlala's Coofb Remedy. It has baea used In msny epidemical of thla d li with perfect suceess. For aala hy City Dnif Store. Foley Kidney Pllla contain tn con­centrated form tncredleata of estab­lish ed tbeepeuttc rxloe for the relief and ears of all kidney and bladder : moats. Foley Ktdoey PI Its ara itlaeptle. ionic aad restoratlre. Ra fuse substitutes. HENRY W. KEEFER. Register. WM. L. W*W» T r r e - - Have /uat received a ear of Bu$$it:. For the rhjht kind or a bu$$y At thc ri&ht kind ot a price Und on right kind of terma I Have a lull line of Farm Machinery Remember The Place p ot Wm. L. Galbraith , Lorenzo, Idaho. eaeae loseseeaessasueaeaeaiaaseea When in Rexburg go lo Theater Where you can see Ihe very Latest motion Pictures Tito Films at Ihis Theater are New aad come direct and are shown here before used by any other Theater In this County, Special Singing Every Evening William Foel Prop. ADMISSION . .:• = .;• m cms NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. ' Department ef the Interior, i ' . s. l a n d Offloe at Blaekfoot, Idaho ^June » . l l l l . I Notle* la hereby axvan that Chris­tian JohnsoD, of Reiburs. R. F. D No. 3, Idaho, who, on Jaa* 11, 1910 made Homestead -Application, No flMlT. for Lot 1; S. K. 1-4, N E 1-4 Section 1, Township E North, Baafa 40 Bast. Boise Meridian, baa tiled no i t r * or Intention to maks final com­mutation proor to eatabllah claim to tba. land above described, bafor* John "W. Smith, United Statea Com­missioner, a* Rexbarf, Idaho, on tha Slat day of August. 1*11. cutxaaat name* aa witoaiaasi Rdward T. Covington. John Faroes Solomon He.nsen, Theodore; Rlgfi,~eJ1 of Rexburf, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER. Chautauqua Bolae Jone 3* ts JToly a Musio, Lectnres EnterUln-menta. Cooking, Phyaieai Cnltnre, Swimming, Asfrtcnl taral ami Bible Claaaea Free tUnatrateS booklet at' the —7 \Hy Drug Store Get One ' « « « * aa FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND i effective for ootifha and cold* ln either children or frown ' persona opiate*, ao harmful drufs. In he yellow packages Refuse aubatt tote*. For sale hy Rexburf Drug Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Department of t h* I rats Her, 1 V. B. Land Office * t Blaakfnot, Idaho May I I , I f f lL Notice i i h*r*by given that Walter Otaon, of Teton, Fremoct Co . Idaho wbo. on Jaa* I I , lfrOe. Add. Nov. U , 1910, made Homestead .an try, Be rial No. OtflT. No. 10999. Add. Of KM, for NW H BB; E M BW H u d I 1-S SB 1-4, Section t and NB 1-4, HW 1-4, Section 10, Township t> N , Range B B. Botae MarldJaa. haa Oled no­tlca of Intention to man* f n s j nre proof, to eatabllah claim to the Sbovs dsecrfbsd, befora Joan P. Otajjk, U. 8. f l M M l T a d n g i a i i *t st Anthony, Idaho, on th* f l a t day nf Jnlr, l l ll aaa a* wldaeaMa: Bd Campbell. Tatas, Idaho; John If. Faussetx. of Tatoxt, Idaho; Henry Wood of Rexbarf. Idaho; George Wood, of Rexbarf. Idaho. HENRY W. FIRST NATS O'V e**eeeeeeeee O F R E X B U RG Capital Stock $50, OOO. OO 'Surplus $18,000.00 Undivided Profits $922.00 J V The OaTlaieara andlrirectors are KossJ. Comstock, President M. J. Haram, Vice.President' A. M. Carbine, Cashier DIRECTORS C E. sowennan W. W. Rlter A. Heatk C. B. Comstock 0. P. Soule Martin Garn < > Tab baak b manatjed for the benefit of the Citizens of Reibur; and vactally. ;; We have confidence in you, and want yoa to have in us