Vol 05 No 43 The Rexburg Standard 1911-01-26

The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg...

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Published: Brigham Young University-Idaho Digitization Center 1911
Online Access:http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/RexburgNews/id/407
Summary:The Rexburg Newspapers is a digital collection of newspapers published in Rexburg, Idaho from 1894 through June of 2010. The titles of the newspapers in this collection include the "Rexburg Silver Hammer," the "Current Journal," the "Rexburg Standard," the "Rexburg Standard Journal," and the "Standard Journal." This collection was n do sleotrie W Deserat L»nd Rntry Serial No •o*. No. i t « 4 for L o f i t *ad 4 and Jihwest quarter nnd North w ul i r u r Bee 1 Twp tn. more 41 • . ht h u Med node, of Intention make flnnl ix-d-rt Land proof, u aWlab claim io tha . land, above Krihod. bafora John P. Cu*. V. t jaralsstoner. nt Ht Anthony, Ida | on tha 4th day of Ifarrb l t l l . ^Inlmsnt namea aa witneesee: ' Treemsn, Jamea I. Clark i Slddoway, aad Thomaa Arab I I an of Teton, Idaho. Henry W. Klefer, Ragiiter ttXPOBITION HEARINGS Jan. tt—Tba encMUe oittee on industrial expoolltona > aire two hours each Baa, V r w laco and New Orleavna for ' Ulelr it as Ihe site for the propoaad oele-aloa of UTS open tne of the Pawsaias a l U l i raxfeavble that New Or­am will ba beard Thursday of thla ik and fsaat Franc!aeo Jt-iaar NOTICt FOR PUBLICATION NO CHARGE CAN BE MAD. uf tbe tntaTtor. rj. 8 . . - •• Office at Blaekfoot, Idaho I am now prepared ry 1 1*1 L virtur, of all Wads H utica Is hereby 0 m that Moaj.hnae «oek lhat will stand (horoekh fllddowsy of Teton, Fr aty. Idaho, aha on Jaa. S. 1W7 of the Fire and Un Jerri tare. A uotloe has been aeat out by the t: P. T cornpany stating that an in-tpectlon. charge of $6 wit] be for airing not dona by the employee cf that company ,Aeeordlai bo tha franchise of that oom pear i ity. mry ara to free of chare*. I a n so to atand back of my pat­rons on this proposition, you for your paat faro re sad aoltctV Ink yoor nit ere pain * Nta \ n> + + + + + + + + + + • + • .J. TONIC LAXATIVE CABOAJkA a) •J* •timulstse the Bowels, l i v e r afj .;• ' a n d Pocfcal a) + -— • • } . Put up and aold by e> ORBON WALORAM .*> .;. Piaauilptiee Or-aave*. e> •J. Eatabllaha4 isat. Pases trt> * f + • + 4. + + + + + + + + 4 . MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS : 'The Farmers" Easy Payment! L o a n , " Low rate of intaraat. W i l l save y o u money. Money without delay Call and aee n e ce* w r i t e me. . ••—•• • t l . W. SOULE m.?Ttt?<^rVS&io i i i i i i i a i i i i i i i a t a i i i i i i i ' i i i a i i i i The Idaho D. At. SHIELDS Proprietor _ LEADING HOTEL .IN FREMONT COUNTY Located I n Choicest Part of The City R e x b u r g , I d a h o i REXBURG HARDWARE COMPANY > Ranges AnS Brery taias hi Hardware S. KMIANNtSON, Manager e+**e*c*o*e**s^ee»e»e Cincinnati Chief Dies of Pneumonia cunt rooted while dwacUne the pvOee ha rtaaiiaSM of 'W^ffvr*w Are, lit ah sta Uvea wera aaat. JesMary It, niajii claimed Niajhi c k X of r. • aaipual Corbin. Promoted Brora resets. Chief Ooreen bed been on ttkS'forsa *) quartar of a oanlnjy and •anewVieectved laare Atbomay n-niaci, M a* I oaerty Qaa*far ot tha Itolytood beak Holrrooe. uue it***, noes- r.«r». w*j iarastat In ^jawaawat, Cei, aaAunj*) Charch la wonted aa ooreectioo etth of Its.ooo kn U M t>ank*a se­ed hereto Banian yaare as bard k SPORTOURAPHS A ^ a j w d y Uaa I ty-futar dovahlos. katte hitler with kerea-trbplee aad etch- FOR WAAHINOTON MEMORIAL New Tea*. Jen. tL—The purpose of. MM Oeoree TTS all asgl i n Maoaoriai a*~ dtea waa ed rented Sunday when tlSSSae atee * ™ w try * New Tork nr*™-i_* Thia sift rxsanJoaUy caakes aura Uat entiecAlon of Ifet.BM whleh isnwiiiasiliei haa sat tnaaK to ret be-fcr* e aha ia dwclded can. The propoaed miamortal hoBdlnc la to (urtneb a aome with Use Bt. Louie Brown* their oa-swlaaSSon. kaa Baiaaaat of th* team By when Topaka-a saw peta b nay. ktla name Tha Had Son ara eotne to uanrel U IM beet of atyla u«.y o u , whan Oaa? u to California on their aprtoe nraln- •c tour. Twantletb Cao Wry rheo tha nest aiaern opana. Uaa New tt OlesaBi wUl aealy forth In awatt r untronna In OotaakU CkoBan. TSaa e ara aa proud ot toelr nanr uni­on. Bar which th«y hava airaajv ITeeldent John L Tnytur of tha BMoa Bed aoa haa abroad Harold Jak­arta, a, Uoetoa hash eohooi boy. sad UM yoeaeaKer wiU SBM a uyout on third beea or abort aeon. Ha la one of the tmw aataatj wew have stapped aaaah eoneei Ueun hate the sse-ameeee. Jeek KJII«I.t. the Tenkee L step, name aakna Onm a blah achool ' - t n by Uaoah* Blank eoal maata i iMansawii hit oa ib* Aiaaeuos. A eeeel eorfhe l e n n t a aaat a* the j t e s n i a t Baas a keewv penalty for uatnc mail* with intent to eefmaad. aand lhair lattara by arpmas. Onto, baa n o l a a Mai f t t a Oiyesee ensues or I l ls htaxtin. U M farmar Tali ferwerd, la platylnaj a good paeni for tha Craaoant* Of New Turk and rapidly devekmtna ef Bke lead lee pUrere of UV . Kr.K a naval ooallaoe*. wfin any all.roaaad athlete Ln l h * United aesUe cor the of hie temUaoe* ambrwoaa akmoat • ary thine ta umck eaMettoa, also tai In awkurulna, cycUnc. rowhaf a 1 Use beet aaMasa io Canada and eaet wm aataee la New Tork nteht to meet tb* oravupiomt nf tae east ta a sesiea "of aesaak for the SJurtlna UPSocL Ttw meat artU be bald Bt, mob ota* Dane* BhUL use ek ea - i - n f r e in New Tork • prter te Ire? to aBooereel, faiiails. to kaha rt in tho aacee for the worVTa chaco to all l Cannot Afford To Raise Wages a , Jaa. It—Unlaaa Ut* osuatry ceare* hlahor antes for t*rr> in* ftehrht. wee-he a>at, aooordkac IB areumanta pea forth by e m a e n at the aaa>o m aoe»a rates, bnt tba advan • •-, aaaall In oompanson with L '••ua nf the eo-nsaodlUea u lu l » I t>,«t haaaaaaes for oompuuttki.-i i HM oMtmaaa aeaaaaaar. at Oae nal omai are not allowed to raise their biaattt rataa. It wiU be feet ta ether P R O H I B I T I O N I S T S M E ET n. ii.—Sooras of national party li*aera front naa r-leeeay. Phase Bar the party oanttatUrn In l i l t and prallmln-arta* with aaaaea t» th* place of hoid-kkr Oas preeMantlal ooaventlon next kt to be An Interesting Joke Now Tork. Jen. It—3m intereetlne loh* oa Dartd Xakcyd Oeori*. Enelli- W of Uke VxchRraer, wtao—bt Is forty-Birrcn yaera eld today er tfae roulade oaf MM aewapa-ea hem, h*\ i its been broueht Crom UM Brltlwt oapll/U by W K Vao-wbo returned from k An arctic eiplorar iweesttty *ppeoeolMd th* obnncelktr r to otneJatna; area wiry an expedition h* 'Lloyd Oeceaw," said VeeabebUt rapliad Lhaa the . pn coarse for U M am>Uosnt to adopt was to Bret obtain help from outside bodlea MM etook ajaaaanak end to appir. If aaaahawj to uts «oe darbuUt. -The explorer wlUadrew, bet ewlefcty beak Ce the ohaateoUer'a offloa b r a yea tteen auueaseful V seked t i o y d qaueae. " T a r t l y an.' lepUed Ule eaptar* "Skwr much money hara you pot " -Only t t i e , ' cesn* MM emswer, nth am praapiat of a ere** deal aor* On ooastruena whtee iwquias th* e operation of the nhenneDor of fhe - •What ere thoee condition*?' - H i I were two,' mid tbe t ler. *oao warn that Okay wonM ssahe It tlttsBtd if 1 took roe whVa me to the role, sad the other waa ttt.teo If I taft ma here,' M I SB MAUD ADDAAMMS* IS TA R 8 MAW, VORK IN CHANTACLKIR New is**. Jam. is. Bawaaaffa i rajhiuB barnaacd puvy which bee been aaat of two ucaiUn—m and aaakhai dnr-kaa She peotAwo yaar*. tasd Ke pee-nUer ta taw erty toaUawt at Walllck'e itimtra uu hfeade Adnma he* Ihe laadwar rote, attaa Adams naa She FVecah lerafoa of fhe ptto end de> ehwee H wfll ha the aaoet Important eserk of her akasjc cae-esr. THE NEW WAY OF SMOKING MEAT 1 said a Utui brrmo~>napkat a i be ta these aieuui tfaet ho wtU be a tn ths dual meets ea he bee leeoee from' adrna hklurMe ho leoeraed wtdht ptsylaa; cooehaU. sad fee ahould rr»» • rood aenwnrit of takawaSf. • • • , leadm Tho cniasaka aeainat She kidney bktw • h k n waa asartod Ba kkwhutd iwoaM-ty as the result of khe recent Wehsh- Orlaooll tmttM, ho* raoched anoh a applytits two coata ol W I U Q H T B cosrraaNfUtb f a • w uva aaeat were a kraak aitar tai a m an > th* aaM. tt wtu a* i s i r i i i e i l r amahefc wtii-m • flavor and a-"" a. . . . . . . . . . - threuah the < t'sOondensed 8moke r a W w f i a a k aM *W^aeyu >- h B* sere to pat tho fjeeanw* • OUT, I amue camp ANT was la UM rasure win h* roartaot-i dlaqtaauty puerturta mtxt aae chat There la much •P* Money to Loan SAY, MR. FARMER. Did yon know that POOLE & RYLAND can make rod a Laaa an yoar Farm CHEAPER than any Other I thia county and d *o wait a month h 1 you doo't kan 1 3 3 a n d 1 8 3 P. 0 . 1 R E X B U R G , I D A HO ;TO Try tht? Rexburg; Big R a HARD WHEAT-FLOUR This flour i than th* soft wheat fleer. Whan preperttMJ bs batf* have good reeurhv. On Sale at aUDaalera Rexburg Milling Co Wben in Rcxbur? go to THE STAR Theater Where yw taa tee tbe my latest nwtton Pictorea Tke Hat at Ibis Theater are New and come direct •mr are atom kerc befora mail by any otber Theater ia ihis Canty, Spedal Singing Every Evening . MARK C. MADISON, Prop. ADItaSSlflN •:• " *^-«Q CENTS That Cold Room • • + * • • • • + • + * * * Kuia , M U 1 J * * AtbM*»ae4*v 4 + raaaa, aa aa aaM i * * ttaaaa. « * ta. immm h' • < > ' "•»• • S' * * • • _ • + * • + • * _ * * + + • • * • • + • • • cat tbe aide ot the winter blaaia strike bardeal al vara baa a lover temperature da* caa real ot tbe houae. Tbare ara rime* when It U necwairy w rata* tb* temperarure quietly or to t a r p B > temperature up for • long partod. Tbat can't be done by tha regular method of beating without great, trouble and overheating tbe rtetee the bouse. The only reliable method ef heating such a room alone by other means la to va* a Which can be kept at full t k low heat for a abort or lotalwam Four quarts ol oil will'tivc • fjowlog beat for nine aawam, without tmoke or •melt. 'An Indicator always thows tbo amouDt of nU fat M aaaav Filler-cap does aot tcrtrw oo; but is pui lb Uke • cor* In • l e ate, . and is attached by a chain aod cannot get lost. An •nlOaalliir InrlflahfJ Ilaane •prcaat wick from being turned blffb erroufh to stnoke, and kt remove and drop back so tbat It^^^cdeeaed la an ' ta a n T | a s t s n t t a r f w w l n S t ^^ nvad^fce^kKserTta C^ntincntaal Oil C!ooip-aiiy