Sjeldne fugler i Norge i 2006 - Rapport fra Norsk sjeldenhetskomité for fugl (NSKF)

This is the 31st annual report from the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).The majority of records treated here are from 2006, but some older records are also included. The Norwegian rarities committee follow advises given by the Taxonomic Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Association of European Rec...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Ornis Norvegica
Main Authors: Tveit, Bjørn Olav, Bunes, Vegard, Mjølsnes, Kjell Ruud
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: BirdLife Norway 2008
Online Access:
Summary:This is the 31st annual report from the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).The majority of records treated here are from 2006, but some older records are also included. The Norwegian rarities committee follow advises given by the Taxonomic Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Association of European Record and Rarities Committees (AERC) on issues concerning taxonomy and nomenclature. The systematic list of accepted records is set out in the following system: (1) The bird’s Norwegian name, (2) scientific name, (3) the numbers in brackets, e.g. (2, 30/32, 1), refers respectively to the (i) total number of records/total number of individuals up to and including 1974, (ii) total number of records/total number of individuals from 1975 (the foundation year of NSKF), except (iii) records/individuals in 2006, (4) any breeding, (5) year, (6) county, (7) number of individuals, age (1K = first calendar year etc.), sex (if known) and sometimes circumstances («rm» means that the bird was ringed), (8) site and municipality, (9) date, (10) * indicates if the record was complemented by positive evidence, and type of the evidence (F = photo, V = video-recorded, L = tape-recorded, DNA = DNA-analysis, D = found dead), (11) observers’ names in brackets, main observer(s) is specified first and emphasized with *, (12) roughly gives the species’ distribution and (13) comments concerning the records.Species, subspecies and hybrids new to the Norwegian list:With 245 accepted records presented in this report, 2006 was another good year for rare birds in Norway. A total of 42 accepted records from previous years complete the status of rare birds on the Norwegian list. There are five records presented that have been shelved. Also presented are 26 records that for some reason have not been accepted. All previous records of Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata ssp. and Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli ssp. have been reassessed following the recent split of these two species. The two formerly accepted records of Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis of the subspecies vlasowae have also been reassessed based on new knowledge on the variation within the nominate subspecies. Three new species to the Norwegian category A list are presented in this report. This brings the official Norwegian list to 477 species. Included in this list are accepted records in category A-C. The new species in 2006 were Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus (Utsira, Rogaland 2nd to 15th October) and Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata (Reve, Rogaland 2nd to 12th November). In addition the first two Sykes’s Warblers Hippolais rama (Forus, Rogaland 11th September 1983 and Mønstermyr, Vest-Agder 20th September 1997) were accepted during the reassessment of older records. A Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena collected at Træna, Nordland 28th January 1949 has been accepted as the first Norwegian record of the holboellii subspecies. Two records of hybrid Blue-winged Teal Anas discors x Northern Shoveler A. clypeata (Åheim, Møre og Romsdal 7th – 9th June 2003 and Lista fyr, Vest-Agder 31st July – 5th August 2006) have also been accepted as the national first and second records. General trends:Record numbers for Norway was recorded for the following species during 2006: Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris (eight records), Black Kite Milvus migrans (nine records), Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus (ten records), Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola (nine records) and Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor (three records). Also, 2006 saw the highest number (six records of eleven birds) for Corn Bunting in recent times, including the first successful breeding since 1939. Six records involving ten birds of Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornemanni of the nominate subspecies was also an all time high. Also published here are the 4th & 5th Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca for Norway, 4th American Black Duck Anas rubripes, 3rd Piedbilled Grebe Podilymbus podiceps, 2nd Little Shearwater Puffinus [assimilis] baroli, 3rd Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel Oceanodroma monorhis, 5thCollared Pratincole Glareola pratincola, 4th American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica, 8th & 9th Bonaparte’s Gull Larus philadelphia, 4th, 8th & 9th Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, 10th & 11th Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans, 7th Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica, 4th Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina, 2nd Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia crassirostris and 2nd Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala (cat. D).