Identifikasi Spesies pada Produk Perikanan Menggunakan Penanda Molekuler Genetik Cytochrome B Minibarcode

Fish is one of the largest food commodities, so market demand for fish is high. Fish with high economic value is one of the high market demands, this causes fraud in the sale of fish. DNA barcoding is used to identify fishery processed products as well as the authenticity of raw materials so as to r...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Arianto, Rifdah Faiha
Other Authors: Nurilmala, Mala, Nugraha, Roni
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: IPB University 2023
Online Access:
Summary:Fish is one of the largest food commodities, so market demand for fish is high. Fish with high economic value is one of the high market demands, this causes fraud in the sale of fish. DNA barcoding is used to identify fishery processed products as well as the authenticity of raw materials so as to reduce food safety problems. The isolation method used was Cetyltrymethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) with concentration and purity testing using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer. The 25 samples consisting of frozen fish fillets, processed fishery product, and salted fish fillets from traditional and supermarket in Jabodetabek. DNA isolates have a concentration of 4,65-3172,6 ng/μL, with a purity of 1,067-2,125. An electrophoregram showed 7 samples sampled on a target DNA of 200-300bp. Analysis using BLAST showed samples detected as Makaira nigricans, Rachycentron canadum, Lates calcarifer, Priacanthus tayenus, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, and Salmo salar. Phylogeny analysis showed the samples formed a group corresponding to database from Genbank. Ikan menjadi salah satu komoditi pangan yang cukup besar, sehingga permintaan pasar terhadap ikan menjadi tinggi. Ikan dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi menjadi salah satu permintaan pasar yang tinggi, hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya kecurangan dalam penjualan ikan. DNA barcoding dengan penanda genetik cytochrome b digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi produk olahan perikanan serta keaslian bahan baku sehingga dapat mengurangi permasalahan keamanan pangan. Metode isolasi yang digunakan adalah Cetyl Trymethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) dengan pengujian konsentrasi dan kemurnian menggunakan spektrofotometer Nanodrop. Sampel berjumlah 25 terdiri dari filet ikan beku, produk olahan perikanan, dan filet ikan asin yang didapat dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan di Jabodetabek. Isolat DNA memiliki konsentrasi 4,65-3172,6 ng/µL, dengan kemurnian 1,067-2,125. Elektroforegram menunjukan 7 sampel teramplifikasi pada DNA target 200-300bp. Hasil analisis menggunakan BLAST menunjukan sampel terdeteksi ...