Summary:No problems were encountered with data collection. Zooplankton were collected during the winter-spring transition with an RMT8+1 net during the SIPEX voyage in 2007. Only the RMT1 data are presented here. The net was deployed on an oblique tow from the surface to 200 m. The catch in each cod-end was preserved in 5% borax-buffered formaldehyde. The samples were subsplit in the laboratory with a Folsom splitter if needed and examined under a Leica M12. Species were examined to the lowest taxon possible - to species for copepods and euphausiids and to higher levels for other taxa. The dataset was used to describe the distribution and abundance of zooplankton collected during SIPEX. The RMT 8 net caught adult krill and was analysed elsewhere. The RMT 1 net described the smaller zooplankton (mesozooplankton).