Summary:Progress Code: completed Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded Statement: Original field data. This record describes gravity data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V02, 'SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania' which departed Hobart on the 17 March 2017 and returned to Hobart on the 28 March 2017. The gravity meter instrument is a MicroG Lacoste Air-Sea II. Data are stored in .ENV and .DAT data files at CSIRO. There are 24 files totalling 178 MB of raw data in this dataset. A wharf tie was undertaken at Hobart location using a Scintrex Autograv CG-5. Wharf tie data can be found in Hobart wharf_tie_2017_03_14.TXT, which is stored with the raw data. No processing has been conducted on this data. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report.