Summary:Taken from sections of the report: Introduction In broad terms the Surveying Program aimed to verify new or existing mapping or lead to better quality mapping through higher quality and more extensive survey control in the Prince Charles Mountains. The various tasks will be dealt with in the following paragraphs in terms of the techniques used and results achieved. I have also included some comments regarding the performance of equipment and clothing in the Antarctic. Time Frame The NPCM summer field party departed Hobart at 5 Pm on Friday the 21st. of November 1990 aboard the Aurora Australis. The fast ice edge, some 50kn off Mawson (It is assumed that this measurement is incorrect, as "kn" likely means "km", but the distance of 50 is excessive - AADC data officer), was made by approximately 6am on Thursday the 7th of December 1990. Due to bad weather and logistic considerations it was not until Friday the 21st of December that I departed Mawson for the NPCMs. I returned to Mawson on the 25th of January 1991 and did not depart until the 13th of February 1991. The Ice Bird docked in Hobart on the 24th of February 1991.