Summary:This dataset contains observations of ice conditions taken from the bridge of the RV Aurora Australis during SIPEX 2012, following the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/CliC Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate [ASPeCt] protocols. See Observations include total and partial concentration, ice type, thickness, floe size, topography, and snow cover in each of three primary ice categories; open water characteristics, and weather summary. The dataset is comprised of the scanned pages of a single logbook, which holds hourly observations taken by observers while the ship was moving through sea-ice zone. The following persons assisted in the collection of these data: Dr R. Massom, AAD, Member of observation team Mr A. Steer, AAD, Member of observation team Prof S. Warren, UW(Seattle), USA, Member of observation team Dr J. Hutchings, IARC, UAF, USA, Member of observation team Dr T. Toyota, Inst Low Temp Science, Japan, Member of observation team Dr T. Tamura, NIPR, Japan, Member of EM observation team Dr G. Dieckmann, AWI, Germany, Member of observation team Dr E. Maksym, WHOI, USA, Member of observation team Mr R. Stevens, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Dr J. Melbourne-Thomas, ACE CRC, Trainee on observation team Dr A. Giles, ACE CRC, Trainee on observation team Ms M. Zhia, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Ms J. Jansens, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Mr R. Humphries, Univ Wollengong, Trainee on observation team Mr C. Sampson, Univ Utah, USA, Trainee on observation team Mr Olivier Lecomte, Univ Catholique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Trainee on observation team Mr D. Lubbers, Univ Utah, USA, Trainee on observation team Ms M. Zatko, UW(Seattle), USA, Trainee on observation team Ms C. Gionfriddo, Uni Melbourne, Trainee on observation team Mr K. Nakata, EES, Japan, Trainee on observation team