Summary:Field samples were collected from the Main Power House at Macquarie Island - coordinates. The soil sample used for the respirometer trial was made up as a composite of 8 cores, namely: MPH1, MPH3, MPH4, MPH5, MPH7, MPH8 and MPH9. Each core was analysed for petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) at 0.05 m intervals. Intervals containing between 2500 and 5000 mg/kg PHC were then combined into a bulked sample used in the respirometer test. The sample was homogenised by placing all the soil (4.5 kg) into a large mixing bowl and stirring with a flat stirrer. The respirometer experiment was conducted by Jim Walworth and Andrew Pond at the University of Arizona. The objective was to optimise the nutrient status for microbial degradation of PHC's. The respirometer used was an N-Con closed system, with 24 flasks. There were 5 treatments and a control, each run in quadriplate. The control was unammended while treatments were 125, 250, 375, 500, and 625 mg nitrogen/kg of soil (on a dry soil weight basis). See: Sheet 'Sample details' for sample barcode, user ID and sample mass summary. Sheet 'GC-FID Data', cells A1-A18 = sample ID, GC injection file and processing notes Sheet 'GC-FID Data', Rows 10 and 11 contain TPH estimates and estimated standard uncertainty for the TPH value Sheet 'GC-FID Data', cells A21-A125 = compounds or GC elution windows measured Sheet 'GC-FID Data', cells B21-B56 = compound [CAS numbers] Sheet 'GC-FID Data', cells C21-AL125 = GC-FID area responses Sheet 'GC-FID Data', cells C128-AL232 = Estimated standard uncertainties for all GC-FID area responses (from blank drifts,local signal/noise etc) Chemical analysis details.Sample Extraction A 0.5mL volume of internal standard solution containing a mixture of compounds (cyclo-octane at c.1000mg/L, d8-naphthalene at 100mg/L, p-terphenyl at 100 mg/L and 1-bromoeicosane at 1000mg/L) dissolved in hexane, was pipetted onto the soil with a calibrated positive displacement pipette. This was followed by the addition of 10mL of hexane and 10mL of water. The vials were then tumbled end over end (50rpm) overnight and centrifuged at 1500 rpm. 1.8mL of the clear hexane layer was transferred by Pasteur pipette into a 2mL vial for Gas Chromatography Flame Ionisation Detector (GC-FID) analysis Chemical analysis details.GC-FID parameters The download file also includes a paper produced from this data. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 1163 (ASAC_1163).