Summary:The topographical features were digitised from the Macquarie Island Quickbird orthorectifed satellite imagery (5 March 2005) with metadata record: Entry ID: macquarie_quickbird_5March2005_mapping The features were digitised at a scale of 1:2500 between April and August 2012. All lakes that could be identified were digitised but many creeks, ridges and parts of the escarpment remain to be mapped. It was difficult to determine where creeks became dry gullies and dry gullies became creeks so identification is not absolute. Waterbodies (lakes and lagoons) between the west coast and the base of the escarpment have been attributed as lakes but some or all may only be lagoons or wide shallow creeks - from the imagery it is difficult to determine the type of waterbody they are. Only the major escarpment and ridges have been digitised.