Summary:The SOMEx (Southern Ocean Magnetometer Experiment) experiment deployed four seafloor magnetomoeters in 1996, to measure changing magnetic fields on the floor of the southern ocean. Two were recovered in 1997 (neither of these had recorded data correctly) and two were recovered in 1998 (both of these had recorded good data). Procedures for separating the three factors of ionospheric signal, oceanic signal, and seafloor electrical conductivity, and obtaining information on the ocean current flow is the work in progress. These notes are written 26 May 04 by F.E.M.(Ted) Lilley regarding the Southern Ocean Magnetometer Experiment (SOMEx) of 1996. The main document to refer to is the published paper; Lilley, F.E.M., White, A., Heinson, G.S. and Procko, K. 2004 'Seeking a seafloor magnetic signal from the Antarctic circumpolar An electronic version of this paper (Lilley et al. 2004) is gji2174.pdf Of the great deal of computational material on which Lilley et al. (2004) is based, the most important and basic is regarded as being the data displayed in Figures 4 and 5. Figures 4 and 5 are both produced using the matlab program ph.m which calls a file 'head'. 'head' is taken as head7A for Figure 4 (Girardin), and head7D for Figure 5 (Rossel). Reference to ph.m will explain much about the composition of the head files. However Figures 4 and 5 do not use all the recorded magnetic data. To call all magnetic data, use program pd.m, which calls a file 'data'. 'data' is taken as data7A for site Girardin, and data7D for site Rossel. Again, reference to pd.m will explain much about the composition of the data files. In addition, a collection of notes made by Lilley while working on Lilley et al. (2004) is also included, as readme_lilleynotes.