Summary:This dataset consists of Hyperion satellite imagery, as well as GPS ground truthing of vegetation quadrats. The aims of this project were: 1. to produce a spectral library of the major subantarctic terrestrial plant species and community types from ground spectroradiometery measurements . 2. to use the spectral library to assist in classification of vegetation communities. File: 2392HI2003_04 Vegetation Survey Data.xls Table of vegetation data collected from Heard Island in the summer of 2003-2004 by Johanna Turnbull. Areas surveyed were Paddick Valley, Fairchild Beach, Dovers Moraine and Skua Beach. Ten 1x1 m quadrats were sampled with each 30x30 m site surveyed. Quadrats were selected haphazardly. Numbers are given as percentage cover of each species, averaged out over the ten sampled quadrats, unless otherwise stated. The Codes used for species/ground cover types and vegetation communities/associations can be found in sheet 2 of the excel file, called 'vegetation codes'. They are also listed below: Vegetation - Species/Ground Cover Types Code - Species/ground cover types AM - Acaena magellanica AS - Azorella selago CA - Callitriche CA w/ H2O - Callitriche in water CO - Colobanthus sp. DE - Deschampsia G - Gravel L - Lichen LI - Liverwort M - Moss/Bryophytes MO - Montia fontana PA - Pringlea antiscorbutica PAN - Poa annua PC - Poa cookii PK - Poa kuerguelensis PK/PC - P. kerguelensis / P. cookii Hybrid R - rock S - sand / soil W - Water Vegetation - Communities / Associations Code - Community DCC - Closed Cushionfield DCC w/ Aceana - Closed Cushionfield with Aceana DCC/H - Closed Cushionfield/Herbfield DCC/H/T - Cushionfield/Herbfield/Tussock FF - Fellfield H - Herbfield MF - Mossfield PC/M - Pool Complex/Meadow PCC - Open Cushionfield PCC/MF - Open Cushionfield/Mossfield SM - Mire/Flush/Meadow SM/PCC - Mire/Flush/Open Cushionfield THD - Tussock with Cushionfield/Herbfield