Summary:Metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2007-08 Title: Windmill Islands vegetation transects, surveyed 2007/08 (5 years) This record contains data associated with the Windmill Islands 5 year vegetation survey conducted in 2007/08, under ASAC_1313. For information on the baseline survey, conducted 2002/03, see metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2002-03 (and 10 year survey conducted in 2012/13 is in metadata ID: AAS_4046_Transects_2012-13). Descriptions of data associated with this record are provided below under the following headings: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS) 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED Descriptions of data provided: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) Data current at 2015 are available in metadata ID: AAS_4046_Transects_2012-13 and maps 14450 and 14451 in the SCAR Map Catalogue: and FOLDER: GPS and maps 2008 Data collected 2007/08 have largely been superseded by these above described data. The folder named "GPS and maps 2008" contains transect/quadrat location data that was collected as described in the file: moss_sites_casey_robinsonridge_readme.txt. Data was collected using a handheld GPS. Other than the "nine additional locations for associated work conducted in these sites in 2007/8 by Ellen Ryan-Colton", these data have been superseded by new location data provided under 4046 (metadata ID: AAS_4046_Transects_2012-13). Maps were presumably prepared by AADC staff (David Smith) based on the data provided in the excel file. Files provided (and a brief description): - moss_sites_casey_robinsonridge_readme.txt (text file containing data collection information) - moss_sites_casey_robinsonridge.xlsx (excel file containing location data) - moss_sites_ASPA135.png (location of quadrats within ASPA 135 site, quadrat labels A,M,B as described elsewhere) - moss_sites_ASPA135_overview.png (location of ASPA 135 site, relative to surrounding area including Casey station buildings) - moss_sites_robinson.png (location of quadrats within Robinson Ridge site, quadrat labels A,M,B as described elsewhere) - moss_sites_robinson_overview.png (location of Robinson Ridge site, relative to surrounding area including refuge) 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS To be provided - PDF file compilation only. FILE: ASAC_1313-Transects 2003 vs 2008-Photos.pdf Photo comparisons (2003 vs 2008) of quadrats from Windmill Islands Vegetation Transects. Photos taken in January of 2003 and 2008. 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS To be provided - 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS To be provided - 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) FILE: Transects 2008_relative abundance_raw.xls The file provided contains raw finescale microscopy data for samples collected in 2007/08 (and 2002/03). Data (number range 0-4) are for observations via microscopy analysis of each tweezer-pinch sized vegetation sample (nine samples per quadrat; rows). Relative abundance of each vegetation category (columns) was scored using a modified Braun-Blanquet scale (dominant=4, co-dominant=3, low abundance=2, trace=1 and absent=0). Details as described in Wasley et al 2012, Wasley 2004 and Ryan-Colton 2007. The 2002/03 data included in this file, are presumably duplicated from metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2002-03, file:Transects-Microscopy-2002-03.xls. To be confirmed. FILE: Transects 2008_relative abundance_presence-absence.xls The file provided contains data for 2003 and 2008. Data format: Presence/Absence of vegetation categories (species/taxa; columns) scored via finescale microscopy techniques. Nine samples (rows) per quadrat. Data source unknown, but may be Transects 2008_relative abundance_raw.xls (also provided with this record). To be confirmed. Data file author unknown. May be Diana King. To be confirmed. Two worksheets: Sheet1 - description of terms and abbreviations Presabs - data. 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS) To be provided - 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) To be provided - 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED FILE: Diana King 2009_Thesis.pdf File provided is a PDF file of University of Wollongong Honours thesis submitted by Diana King in 2009. This thesis compares baseline 2002/03 data with that collected in the 5 year survey in 2007/08. FILE: 1313Metadata_1999-2003-2008.xlsx This file was provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre on the 25th of March, 2011 by Sharon Robinson. It covers data collected in 1999, 2003 and 2008. Description of abbreviations and terms provided in worksheet "Info". Data provided in three worksheets: "Fine_Scale", "Broad_Scale" and "GPS_Moisture". Fine_Scale provides presence/absence data per quadrat (values 0-9), where 9 indicates the species/taxa were present in all nine quadrat samples. Broad_Scale provides data for 2003 and 2008 only. Source of data not known. Possibly image analysis conducted by Diana King (to be confirmed). GPS_Moisture provides location data that is now superseded by that described in metadata ID: AAS_4046_Transects_2012-13 and the SCAR Map Catalogue (maps 14450 and 14451). Data provided for turf water content (TWC) is calculated from unknown data source. Two values provided for 2003 and one for 2008. Data were presumably collected via deployment of sponge cores. Unit is presumably g H2O per g dry weight. Details to be confirmed. FILE: ASAC_1313-Transects 2003 vs 2008-SOE summary.pdf Extract from Diana King thesis (P99). Summary of biological trends observed between 2003 and 2008 surveys. FILE: JanetCoshAntMossDatabaseApril-2012.xlsx The excel file provided provides a log for samples held in the University of Wollongong Janet Cosh Herbarium in April 2012. The file contains two worksheets, one labelled "data" containing herbarium record information (at April 2012; for samples collected 2000, 2003 and 2008). The second worksheet, labelled "readme", provides descriptions of data fields (note: descriptions were provided by Jane Wasley in 2015 - based on her knowledge of the data, not definitive records). The "data" worksheet contains 162 records (rows 2 to 163) and 22 columns, A to V; descriptions provided in the "readme" worksheet. Data were collected from ASPA 135 and Robinson Ridge, as shown in maps 14450 and 14451 in the SCAR Map Catalogue.