Summary:Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1306 See the link below for public details on this project. --- Public Summary from Project --- The locations and characteristics of nest sites in the Larsemann Hills of three lesser-known seabird species will be mapped. Rapid survey techniques will be trialled and the diets and chronology of breeding determined. The influence of human activities on Broknes on skuas and other seabirds will be examined. Location of seabird colonies recorded using a Garmin 12XL GPS unit (averaged). Nest reference numbers refer to ANARE Research Notes 35, Breeding distribution and abundance of surface-nesting petrels in the Rauer Islands, East Antarctica by K. Green and G.W.Johnstone. The download file contains a number of photographs and a word document providing further information. Also see the metadata records: "Windmill Islands 1:10000 Some abandoned penguin rookery sites point GIS Dataset" and "Windmill Islands 1:10000 Some abandoned penguin rookery sites polygon GIS Dataset".