Summary:Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1214 See the link below for public details on this project. Submillimetre Site Testing Data from Dome C, Dec 2000 - Jan 2001 Optical Depth at 350 microns and effective atmospheric temperature at this wavelength, as measured with the SUMMIT (Sub-Millimetre Tipper) experiment on the AASTINO over the austral summer of 2000/2001. Results, and description of the experiment are published in: Calisse, P.G., Ashley, M.C.B., Burton, M.G., Phillips, M.A, Storey, J.W.V., Radford, S.J.E. and Peterson, J.B., 'Submillimeter site testing at Dome C, Antarctica', 2004. Pub. Ast. Soc. Aus., 21:256-263. with additional information in Calisse, P.G., 'The effect of a radome on submillimetre site testing measurements', 2004. Pub. Ast. Soc. Aus., 21:252-255 ColumnIdentifierMeaning 1dateDate 2timeUniversal Time (UT) 3fileInternal File Name (dc = Dome C) 4durTime for each data point (seconds) 5TdetDetector Temperature (K) 6tau12Zenith optical depth at 350 microns, calculated from flux measurements at 1 and 2 airmasses 7errorError in optical depth, calculated via error propagation 8Tsky12Sky Temperature at Zenith, calculated from flux at 1 and 2 airmasses 9Tgre12Zenith grey body atmospheric brightness temperature, calculated from Tsky12 . (1 - exp(-tau12)) 10finternal check code on data 11tauLMZenith optical depth at 350 microns, calcuated from non-linear fit with atmospheric model 12TskyLMSky Temperature at Zenith, calculated from non-linear fit 13TgreLMZenith grey body atmospheric brightness temperature, calculated from TskyLM . (1 - exp(-tauLM)) 14finternal check code on data Note that 99.00 or 999.0 is recorded when an error occurs in the analysis algorithm, for instance the standard deviation being too large, or the fit not converging. 2009-2010 Season Update: New data were added for the MASS, SODAR and SUMMIT instruments for the years 2003-2005.