Summary:--- Public Summary from Project --- The Sorsdal Glacier, located in the vicinity of the Davis Station, is one of the key polar outlet glaciers that contributes to the drainage of the East Antarctic ice sheet. An investigation will be undertaken to identify and monitor zones of fast flowing ice and relate these to the development of crevasse fields. This spreadsheet provides temporal coordinate data for survey markers emplaced on the Sorsdal Glacier, east Antarctica. The markers were surveyed using GPS techniques to support the ice monitoring research project 1205: 'Structure and dynamics of the Sorsdal Glacier'. Three strain-grids were established for this project and they are referred to as: (i) the Russian Fuel Depot (RFD); (ii) the Christensen (CTSN), and; (iii) the Ingrid (ING). Further information regarding the nature of these strain-grids, the surveying and processing methods, and the project in general, can be found in the publication: Patrick, B. A., Corvino, A. F. and Wilson, C. J. L. (2003) Ice-flow measurements and deformation at marginal shear zones on the Sorsdal Glacier, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 37, 60-68. Please note: (i) Coordinates are expressed in terms of grid Easting (E) and Northing (N) with respect to UTM GRS80, Zone 44. Ellipsoid heights (h) are shown; (ii) The coordinate precisions (sE, sN, sh) are in metres; (iii) Precisions of '10.00' indicate unresolved ambiguities for the point during post-processing. The output value of 10.00 is a product of the software used. (iv) Points not surveyed, or points with unresolved ambiguities, are shaded. Refer firstly to these when viewing results that may appear discordant with expectations. The fields in this dataset are: Date Point ID Easting Northing Height Accuracy