Summary:The Australian Antarctic Division acquired aerial photographs of sea ice from helicopters using a digital Nikon D1X digital camera during Australian Antarctic Division voyage 1 2007/08 - Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystems Experiment (SIPEX). Voyage dates: SIPEX: 29 Aug 2007 to 16 Oct 2007 The Related URLs in this metadata record include the urls of web pages with information about these voyages, urls for requesting for the photographs and urls for downloading information about the photographs. Some of the SIPEX aerial photographs were taken at ice stations. Refer to the metadata record 'An integrated study of processes linking sea ice and biological ecosystem elements off East Antarctica during winter', Entry ID: ASAC_2767, for information about the ice stations. The metadata record 'RAPPLS Surveys (Radar, Aerial Photography, Pyrometer, and Laser Scanning system) made during the SIPEX II voyage of the Aurora Australis, 2012', Entry ID: SIPEX_II_RAPPLS, describes the aerial photography conducted on SIPEX II, 13 Sep 2012 to 15 Nov 2012.