Summary:Metadata ID: AAS_4046_Transects_2012-13 title: Windmill Islands vegetation transects, surveyed 2012/13 (10 years) This record contains data associated with the Windmill Islands vegetation 10 year survey conducted in 2012/13, under AAS_4046. The transects were established in 2002/03, as described in metadata ID: ASAC_1313_Transects_2002-03, where details of experimental design and data collection are provided. Descriptions of data associated with this record are provided below under the following headings: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS) 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED Descriptions of data provided: 1. LOCATION (GPS) DATA (and MAPS) Quadrat location data are provided in metadata ID: AAS_4046_quadrat_locations ( And shown in two maps which are available via the AADC map catalogue: 2. QUADRAT PHOTOS TO BE PROVIDED - all quadrat (and transect/site) photos collected 2013. 3. NOTEBOOK SCANS TO BE PROVIDED - 4. MICROSCOPY SCORE SHEETS TO BE PROVIDED - for samples collected 2013. 5. FINESCALE SPECIES ABUNDANCE (MICROSCOPY) TO BE PROVIDED - raw data from microscopy scoring for samples collected 2013. 6. BROADSCALE PERCENT COVER (IMAGE ANALYSIS) TO BE PROVIDED - has this data been generated? May be part of Diana King PhD thesis, which is due to be submitted 2016. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (e.g. MOISTURE, TEMPERATURE) TO BE PROVIDED - raw stable isotope data collected 2013. Raw moisture content (CWC) data collected 2013. 8. PROCESSED/COMPILED/WORKED OPTIONAL to provide if relevant 9. MULTI-YEAR COMPILATIONS AND COMPARISONS FILE: Transects Data Summary_2000-2013.xlsx This excel file provides a summary of transect data collected to 2013. This file was originally prepared by Taylor Benny (2013) and has been updated by Jane Wasley (2015). Four worksheets: 1. Worksheet: "Vocabulary"- provides a detailed description of methods, terms and abbreviations. 2. Worksheet: "DataCollection" provides a summary of project personnel (including field collections, laboratory analyses and data analysis) for all survey years from 1999. 3. Worksheet: "Quadrat" provides a schematic of the quadrats used in this study, providing details of the size used for photos (25 x 25 cm), sample collection (20 x 20 cm) and grid interval details. 4. Worksheet "Data" includes the following data types: GPS locations of quadrats, species composition of vegetation quadrats (referred to as: fine scale vegetation analysis), moss moisture contents (referred to as: community water content; CWC) and vegetation temperature. The species composition data presented in this file are the overall relative abundance scores for each species/taxa for each quadrat. These data are based on presence/absence scores for nine samples collected per quadrat (raw individual sample data not provided here). The score range for each taxa for each quadrat is 0-9, where nine indicates taxa present in all nine samples in a given quadrat. FILE: Taylor Benny 2013_Thesis.pdf PDF file of Honours thesis for Taylor Benny (2013). FILE NAME: ASAC_4046-Transects 2013-SOE summary.pdf Public summary of results, describing the state and trends of continental Antarctic vegetation communities. Presentation format based on template from Australia: State of the Environment 2011 (Hatton et al. 2011). Trends presented based on results of transects surveyed 203 to 2013. The PDF file is an extract from Benny 2013 thesis (P80). FILE NAME: AAS_4046-Transects-change maps-2013.pdf Maps produced by Taylor Benny (2013), showing schematic summary of biological change observed between survey periods (2002/03 vs 2007/08 and 2007/08 vs 2012/13) for Windmill Islands vegetation transects at Robinson Ridge and ASPA 135 sites. The PDF file contains six pages, each page shows a map for each of the two study sites: ASPA 135 and Robinson Ridge (2 maps per page). Data collection as described in metadata ID: Windmill Islands Vegetation Transects. Unless otherwise provide in Benny 2013, details of the origin of the map imagery and quadrat position data are not known (data likely collected via octocopter instruments deployed by Arko Lucier, or his team). The six pages are an extract from Benny 2013, and are labelled with page numbers as indicated in brackets ( ) below, they present data for: 1. Ceratodon purpureus (P74) 2. Schistidium antarctici (P75) 3. Bryum pseudotriquetrum (P76) 4. crustose lichens (P77) 5. Community Water Content (P78) 6. % live moss (P79) Data were collected from ASPA 135 and Robinson Ridge, as shown in maps 14450 and 14451 in the SCAR Map Catalogue.