Summary:We compared the drying responses of clumps of moss from Casey Station, Antarctica, evaluating the changes in mass, water content, photosynthesis (measured by chlorophyll fluorescence), cellular solute concentration (measured by differential scanning calorimetry) and cellular dimensions. Drying was performed at different temperatures and VPDs to evaluate the relative impacts of temperature and humidity on moss physiology. This dataset is comprised of several spreadsheets (all in comma separated values format). The primary data sheet (Moss-desiccation tolerance Master Datasheet.csv) compiles the overall experimental data, including means derived from several other data sheets. Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv reports data from Walz MaxiPAM chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of moss clumps at each timepoint. Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv reports data from Walz Microscope PAM chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of individual leaves and shoots sampled at each timepoint and kept under oil to retain hydration. Moss-meas Datasheet.csv reports the dimensions (area, perimeter, length and width) of cells from individual leaves sampled at each timepoint and kept under oil to retain hydration. Solute concentration of the shoots was determined by performing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) on shoots sampled at each timepoint. To convert the melting/freezing points measured to concentrations requires calibration, the data for which are provided in Moss-DSC calib.csv. The data are laid out with columns for each variable considered, and rows for each sample. The columns for each spreadsheet are as follows: Moss-desiccation tolerance Master Datasheet.csv: Date-date of experiment Run-experimental run (1 to 18) ClumpSp-dominant species of moss clump: C-Ceratodon purpureus; S- Schistidium antarctici; BC- Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus codominant Species-species of shoot examined in calorimetry/microscopy: B- Bryum pseudotriquetrum; C-Ceratodon purpureus; S- Schistidium antarctici Replicate-replicate (here equal to Run) Pseudoreplicates-replicates of the same species during the same run Temp-Treatment temperature: 8 degrees C, 16 degrees C or 24 degrees C VPD-Vapour pressure differential of treatment: 0.2kPa, 0.5kPa or 1.2kPa Timepoint-Sampling timepoint (0 = initial conditions) Time-Time in hours since start of experimental run Treatment-Experimental phase: Drying, Recovery (rehydration following drying process), ReRun (second round of drying following recovery) Basket mass-Mass in grams of basket containing moss clump Basket + moss mass-Mass in grams of basket and moss sample Fresh mass-Fresh mass in grams of moss clump (calculated) Dry mass-Mass in grams of oven-dried moss clump RWC-Relative water content of moss clump in g water per g dry mass Percentage of initial RWC-Relative water content as a percentage of initial RWC Mean Fo-Mean Fo of clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Sd Fo-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Mean Fm-Mean Fo of clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Sd Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Mean Fv.Fm-Mean Fo of clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Sd Fv.Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Mean Fo'-Mean Fo of clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Sd Fo'-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Mean Fm'-Mean Fo of clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Sd Fm'-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump (from Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv) Tin mass-Mass in grams of the empty calorimetry tin Tin + moss wet mass-Mass in grams of moss shoot and calorimetry tin Tin + moss dry mass-Mass in grams of oven-dried moss shoot and calorimetry tin RWC stems DSC-Relative water content of shoot used for calorimetry in g water per g dry mass Tm-1-Melting point in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (first replicate) PeakT1-Melting peak in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (first replicate) Peak1Area-Area of melting peak in DSC units (first replicate) Tm-2-Melting point in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (second replicate) PeakT2-Melting peak in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (second replicate) Peak2Area-Area of melting peak in DSC units (first replicate) Tm-3-Melting point in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (third replicate) PeakT3-Melting peak in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water (third replicate) Peak3Area-Area of melting peak in DSC units (first replicate) Tm-mean-Mean melting point in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water -see Calibs.csv for conversion to solute concentration PeakT-mean-Mean melting peak in uncorrected degrees C of shoot water -see Calibs.csv for conversion to solute concentration PeakArea-mean-Mean area of melting peak in DSC units -see Calibs.csv for conversion to water mass Tm-corr-Melting point of shoot water, corrected for calorimetry ramp rate offset PeakT-corr-Melting peak of shoot water, corrected for calorimetry ramp rate offset Dsc-notes-Notes on appearance of differential scanning calorimetry peaks Stem mass-Mass in g of shoot used for microscopy Mean area-Mean area in mm2 of laminar cells (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Sd area-Standard deviation of cell area (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Mean perimeter-Mean perimeter in mm of laminar cells (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Sd perimeter-Standard deviation of cell perimeter (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Mean width-Mean width in mm of laminar cells (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Sd width-Standard deviation of cell width (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Mean length-Mean length in mm of laminar cells (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Sd length-Standard deviation of cell length (from Moss-meas Datasheet.csv) Micro Mean Fo-Mean Fo of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv) Micro Sd Fo-Standard deviation Fo of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv ) Micro Mean Fm-Mean Fm of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv) Micro Sd Fm- Standard deviation Fm of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv) Micro Mean Fv.Fm-Mean FvFm of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv) Micro Sd Fv.Fm- Standard deviation FvFm of leaves (from Moss-fluorescence micro Datasheet.csv) Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv Date-date of experiment Run-experimental run (1 to 18) ClumpSp-dominant species of moss clump: C-Ceratodon purpureus; S- Schistidium antarctici; BC- Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus codominant Replicate-replicate (here equal to Run) Pseudoreplicates-replicates of the same species during the same run Temp-Treatment temperature: 8 degrees C, 16 degrees C or 24 degrees C VPD-Vapour pressure differential of treatment: 0.2kPa, 0.5kPa or 1.2kPa Timepoint-Sampling timepoint (0 = initial conditions) Time-Time in hours since start of experimental run Treatment-Experimental phase: Drying, Recovery (rehydration following drying process), ReRun (second round of drying following recovery) Problem-Identifies if there were any problems with the measurements Fo-Fluorescence in absence of light Fm-Dark adapted maximum fluorescence Fv/Fm-Maximum quantum yield of PSII Fo'1-Minimal light fluorescence (first replicate) Fo'2-Minimal light fluorescence (second replicate) Fo'3-Minimal light fluorescence (third replicate) Fm'1-Maximal light fluorescence (first replicate) Fm'2-Maximal light fluorescence (second replicate) Fm'3-Maximal light fluorescence (third replicate) Mean Fo-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fo-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fm-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fv.Fm-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fv.Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fo'-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fo'-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fm'-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fm'-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Moss-fluorescence Datasheet.csv Date-date of experiment Run-experimental run (1 to 18) ClumpSp-dominant species of moss clump: C-Ceratodon purpureus; S- Schistidium antarctici; BC- Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus codominant Replicate-replicate (here equal to Run) Temp-Treatment temperature: 8 degrees C, 16 degrees C or 24 degrees C VPD-Vapour pressure differential of treatment: 0.2kPa, 0.5kPa or 1.2kPa Timepoint-Sampling timepoint (0 = initial conditions) Time-Time in hours since start of experimental run Treatment-Experimental phase: Drying, Recovery (rehydration following drying process), ReRun (second round of drying following recovery) RWC stems-Relative water content of shoot in g water per g dry mass (from calorimetry tins) Fo-Fluorescence in absence of light Fm-Dark adapted maximum fluorescence Fv/Fm-Maximum quantum yield of PSII Mean Fo-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fo-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fm-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Mean Fv.Fm-Mean Fo of clump Sd Fv.Fm-Standard deviation of the Fo of the clump Moss-meas Datasheet.csv Date-date of experiment Run-experimental run (1 to 18) ClumpSp-dominant species of moss clump: C-Ceratodon purpureus; S- Schistidium antarctici; BC- Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus codominant Replicate-replicate (here equal to Run) Temp-Treatment temperature: 8 degrees C, 16 degrees C or 24 degrees C VPD-Vapour pressure differential of treatment: 0.2kPa, 0.5kPa or 1.2kPa Timepoint-Sampling timepoint (0 = initial conditions) Time-Time in hours since start of experimental run Treatment-Experimental phase: Drying, Recovery (rehydration following drying process), ReRun (second round of drying following recovery) RWC-Relative water content of moss clump in g water per g dry mass RWC stems-Relative water content of shoot in g water per g dry mass (from calorimetry tins) Area-Area in mm2 of leaf lamina cell Perimeter-Perimeter in mm of leaf lamina cell Width-Width in mm of leaf lamina cell Length-Length in mm of leaf lamina cell Mean area-Mean area in mm2 of laminar cells Sd area-Standard deviation of cell area Mean perimeter-Mean perimeter in mm of laminar cells Sd perimeter-Standard deviation of cell perimeter Mean width-Mean width in mm of laminar cells Sd width-Standard deviation of cell width Mean length-Mean length in mm of laminar cells Sd length-Standard deviation of cell length Calib.csv Solution-Water or sucrose Bymass-Concentration of sucrose solution in g per g water Concentration-Molar concentration of sucrose solution Volume-Volume in microliters of sample Mass tin-Mass in g of empty calorimetry tin Mass wet-Mass in g of calorimetry tin + sample Mass sample-Mass in g of sample Tm- Melting point in uncorrected degrees C of solution Peak- Melting peak in uncorrected degrees C of solution Area- Area of melting peak of solution in DSC units Tf-Freezing point in uncorrected degrees C of solution Areaf- Area of freezing peak of solution in DSC units This work was conducted under the auspices of AAS projects 2780 and 2061.