Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown Statement: Sample size: various. Instruments used: Aanderaa Buoy data - Aanderaa DB4280 Data Buoy, Adelaide Coastal Waters Study - Tide gauges. Scope/Time: Aanderaa Buoy data - Nov 06-Feb 07, Adelaide Coastal Waters Study - Sep 03-Nov 04, Flinders Ports data - 1994-2011. Also, have much data obtained from the BOM database from early 1990's. MarLIN and NOAA databases also contain underway meteorological data from various cruise ships such as the MRV Franklin and others over many years. Further Information: Data available upon written request to SARDI and upon signing of confidentiality agreements. Credit South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Aquatic Sciences Sea level and meteorological data collected during various projects in Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent, South Australia since 1990.