Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown Statement: Data are numerical or categorical. Collected haphazardly from surveys conducted throughout Spencer Gulf since 1994. Haphazard collections of by-catch were made between November 1994 and December 2002 for snapper, whiting, flounder, flathead, calamary, cuttlefish, blue crabs and sponges. In a second study, temporally replicated by-catch shots were conducted during October 2004 and January 2005 at five sites. In a third study, bycatch samples were collected from 120 sites in a snapshot survey done in February 2007. Instruments used: SA commercial prawn trawl nets used for most data collection. Survey 2 used beam trawl nets. Weights taken at sea using balanced scales. Otherwise laboratory processing. Data processing and conversion steps:The various data sets reflect a mixture of methods from sorting and measuring at sea and sorting and measuring in the laboratory. Points on a map will represent sample sites. Some funded by FRDC others funded through industry cost-recovery Data custodian: South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Aquatic Sciences on behalf of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) Fisheries and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Industry contribute financially and share ownership of the data. Some of the data has been generated through FRDC projects. A data policy is currently being prepared by PIRSA Fishries and Aquaculture. For further information: refer to technical reports describing data collection and analysis (available with the permission of SARDI Aquatic Sciences on behalf of PIRSA Fisheries and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries). Credit South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Aquatic Sciences Credit Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) Fisheries Credit The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries By-catch species distribution and abundance data collected from prawn trawl surveys, throughout Spencer Gulf, South Australia between 1994 and 2007.