Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned Statement: Material collected using a Kullenberg core aboard the research vessel Marion Dufresne. The method used to produce the diatom slides is detailed in the 'methodology' document uploaded with this record. Statement: The sediment was sampled every 10cm from the sediment surface down to a depth of 490cm. Parameters: Core depth (cm), diatom species, diatom subtotal and silica subtotal. Credit Centre des Faibles Radioactivities mixte CNRS CEA (France) Credit Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies (IASOS) Credit Institut Français pour la Recherche et Technologie Polaires (IFRTP) Credit Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF) Credit Australian Postrgraduate Research Award (APRA) Purpose To reconstruct the first sea-surface temperature and sea-ice record history of the Southern Ocean south of Australia. Core MD88-784 was recovered during the French ASPARA IV cruise in 1988, aboard the Marion Dufresne. The core was located on the Tasman Fracture Zone of the Mid-Ocean Ridge, within the Polar Front Zone. Diatoms were found in abundance through the core, with a total of 57 diatom species and taxa recorded. This data set provides the raw diatom counts from sediment samples prepared every 10cm down the core.