Summary:Best available as at 1997 Base Mapping: Map produced by the Division of National Mapping, Nov 1971 (NMP/68/025). Late 1980's coastline digitised. Satellite Image: A merged image (obtained 22/12/94) of vertical viewing SPOT Multispectral and Panchromatic data (421-461) geocoded to 17 ground points. Digital coastline obtained from the landward edge of the seaweed or wash zone (bands 1 2 3). Station data: AAD digital station data derived from ANTC1019 photography by photogrammetry, acquired 7 Dec 1994. The coastline at the station is part of a separate dataset (dataset id 25). Refer to metadata record with id 'Macca_DSAM' RAN Hydrographic Chart: Digital data of AUS604 used to define Judge and Clerk Islands and Bishop and Clerk Islands Photographs: AAD Aerials ANTC1019 of 7 Dec 199476mm Hasselblad Camera - vertical enlargements. Base Mapping: not stated. Satellite Image: geocoded with 17 GCP with RMS of 9.36 metres. Station Data: 0.1 metre RAN Hydrographic Data: AUS604 - not stated. Photographs: unknown. A range of photographs and slides were consulted to help in the determination of the coastline and features offshore. 1. Small format aerials - Enlargements from hand held verticals from 76mm format Hasselblad camera. Photographs dated Dec 1994 and not yet catalogued. Used in conjunction with the satellite image to confirm the shape, size and existence of features around Wireless Hill north of the ANARE Station. 2. Medium format aerials - AAD aerial photography ANTC1019 of 7 December 1994 acquired with a ZEISS UMK 1318 metric camera from a height of 650 metres. Digitally compared with the satellite image to confirm the shape, size and existence of features around Wireless Hill, the ANARE Station and to the south of The Isthmus. 3. Photographs taken by Noel Ward during his many survey visits to Macquarie. These were consulted as these obliques showed rocks and other features drying or exposed at the time of the photography (Dec 1992) in the area where he was placing ground control points(AUS 226 and 212) for the rectification of the imagery. 4. Slides taken by Noel Ward - several were enlarged to prints to allow details to be plotted. These included: a) Looking to Hurd Point showing the offshore rocks to the south b) South Reef looking to Green and south West Points showing rocks and the wash; c) West coast looking to Davis and double Points showing rocks drying and rocks offshore d) Looking to ANARE Station from Wireless hill showing the density of rocks in this area of Hasselborough Bay. A coverage in lat/long WGS84 coordinates was produced using ARC/INFO 7.0.3 under a UNIX operating system. The data have been formatted according to the SCAR Feature Catalogue which includes data quality information (refer to link below). This dataset contains the coastline of Macquarie Island and adjacent islands in WGS84 lat/long coordinates. The coastline was constructed from a variety of sources including SPOT satellite imagery, the Royal Australian Navy's AUS604 hydrographic chart, and photogrammetry using aerial photographs.