Summary:Progress Code: onGoing Maintenance and Update Frequency: continual Statement: Samples and data are collected from various sources: on commercial, recreational and chartered vessels by fishers, CSIRO staff and observers. Credit Fishers Credit CSIRO staff and observers. The CSIRO hard parts archive comprises collections of otoliths, vertebrae, scales and fin spines from tuna and billfish species, and a supporting database. The archives are a resource for research on age and growth, migration, stock structure and physiology. The specimens have been collected from large pelagic species including southern bluefin tuna (SBT), yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore tuna and broadbill swordfish. By 2011, SBT otoliths in the collection numbered 31,416. The physical archives are located at CMAR in Hobart. Associated with the archive is a database containing: - The catch and specimen data related to the hard parts samples. - The results of research using the hard parts including historical and ongoing age and growth studies and otolith chemistry projects. - A link to the Tag Database that holds information on the tagging of the same species.