Summary:Progress Code: onGoing Maintenance and Update Frequency: irregular Statement: Refer to associated metadata record or publication. Credit Data has been sourced from North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study (1982-1992) "Soela" fish surveys, 1980s Tropical Fish Ecology Project: Gulf of Carpentaria studies (includes Albatross Bay and Embley Estuary studies) 1985-1990 Northern pelagic fish stock research (FIRTA project no. 83/49) 1983-1985 "Courageous" fish surveys, 1978-1979 "Courageous" jack mackerel surveys, 1975-1978 Exchange and analysis of historical Soviet fishery data from the waters around Australia (FRDC project no. 93/239) 1996-1999 Abundance, distribution, movements and population dynamics of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters (FIRTA project no. 87/129) 1987-1990 East Australian Current and eddy studies ("Courageous", "Sprightly"), 1978-1984 Unknown (no details available) Habitat and fisheries production in the south east fishery ecosystem (FRDC project no. 94/040) 1994-1997 An ichthyoplankton based analysis of the spawning distribution and stock structure of temperate Australian finfish species (FRDC project no. 92/019) 1992-1995 Mapping bycatch & seabed benthos assemblages in the GBR region for environmental risk assessment and sustainable management of the Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery SRFME - Coastal Ecosystems Deepwater Invertebrate Studies 1991-1995 Norfolk Ridge / Lord Howe Rise Biodiversity Discovery Survey (NORFANZ) Each download contains the relevant project as listed here. Credit Many participants on the CSIRO research vessels voyages. The CSIRO O&A Catch Operations data set currently includes information on samples collected between 1965 and 2005 during voyages of various CSIRO research vessels. The data includes information about the time, location depth and catch method (trawl net etc) for each operation, metrics of catch (weight composition etc) and species and specimen details. Individual metadata records have been created for each research voyage. ...