Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded Statement: Samples were dredged from the seafloor using a rock dredge from the RV Southern Surveyor. Dredges were undertaken on steep flanks of bathymetric features. Credit This work was only possible with the support of the crew and scientific party aboard voyage SS2011_V06 of Australia’s Marine National Facility, the R/V Southern Surveyor. We also thank Statoil for providing additional financial support to for this voyage. Finances for geochemical analyses undertaken in 2015 were supported by a University of New England ‘seed grant’ (A14/1876; 2015). J.W. was supported by Australian Research Council grant DE140100376. This research was supported under the Australian Research Council's Special Research Initiative for Antarctic Gateway Partnership (Project ID SR140300001). Dredge rocks were recovered on scientific voyage SS2011_06 on the MNF RV Southern Surveyor, from the Perth Abyssal Plain, offshore Western Australia. Continental rocks (gneiss, granite, sandstone) were dredged from both the Batavia Knoll and the Gulden Draak Ridge (dredge sites 1, 2, and 3). A small amount of high weathered basalt was recovered from the Gulden Draak Ridge (dredge site 4). Three successful dredges were undertaken along the Dirck Hartog Ridge recovering predominantly gabbro (dredge 5) and basalts (dredge sites 6 and 7).