Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned Statement: - Profiles through different meadows - Posidonia australis, Posidonia sinuosa, Amphibolis griffithii, and a 50:50 mixed patch of the two Posidonia species were chosen for the study. A series of Posidonia patches were chosen in Shoalwater Bay and the Amphibolis griffithii meadow was located in northern Warnbro Sound near Penguin Island, all south of Perth, Western Australia (see thumbnail). Previous studies suggest that a homogeneous seagrass meadow will produce maximum reduction of flow within approximately 1 m of the meadow edge. Patches of at least 5 x 5 m were therefore selected, to avoid any possible edge effects. Measurements of the water velocity profiles within the selected patches were carried out using the electronic current meters developed as part of the thesis (Chapter 2). Field deployment was carried out as described in Chapter 2 of thesis. Statement: - Study of exposed and sheltered meadows - Two field sites were randomly established at a distance of approximately 500 m from each other, within a continuous Posidonia sinuosa meadow located in Shoalwater Bay, south of Perth. A sheltered site was located inshore of Bird Island where it was sheltered by a series of limestone reefs from the open ocean swells. An exposed site was located approximately 500 m further offshore, near Bird Island and was not sheltered by the offshore reef system. While these sites were selected on an arbitrary basis, comprehensive measurements of water velocity profiles, sediment grain size analysis and seagrass standing crop were made, to ensure all major potential variables were assessed and included in the analysis. Sediment grain size analysis described in another section of the metadata, while standing crop measurements methodology is given in (Water Flow in Seagrass Ecosystems - Water Motion and Productivity; ID - a9f1e890-43bf-11dc-972b-00188b4c0af8 Statement: - Sediment grain size analysis - Sediment sample sets, obtained simultaneously with the biomass ...