Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The data were collected by GPS survey by Eric Woehler (AAD) using a Garmin 12XL receiver (not differentially corrected) during the 2000/2001 field season. The point data (q_info=386) represent nesting sites of flying birds and penguins. Polygon data (q_info=386) represent flying bird and penguin colony extents. The shapefile data are formatted according to the SCAR Feature Catalogue. Usually mapped to a Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 43. A GPS survey of seabirds on Heard Island during the Australian Antarctic Program's 2000/01 expedition. This layer is stored as two datasets (polygon and point) in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Polygon data represent flying bird and penguin colony extents. Point data represent nest locations and the location of the observation point for flying birds and penguins.