Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Please see summary for important information on data quality and associated caveats. Readme - Bathymetry Files Data for BROKE-WEST 2006 1) Zipped folder contains .csv files created from each acoustics ev file for Transects 1 to 11. 2) These files contain subsections of each transect of variable length (usually between 50 and 100 km). 3) No data exists for files; Transect01_01 and 01_02 as the sea floor was greater than 5000m deep in these areas and was below the range set for the sounder. 4) Each file contains 11 columns of data; Ping_date, Ping_time, Ping_milliseconds, Latitude, Longitude, Position_status, Depth, Line_Status, Ping_status, Altitude, GPS_UTC time. 5) For practical purposes, the columns of interest will be Ping_date, Ping_time, Latitude, Longitude and Depth. Other columns are ancillary acoustics information and can be ignored. Line status should be 1 (meaning good) as sea floor was only picked when it could be easily defined. If the sea floor could not be visually defined or was deemed to uncertain, it was not picked in the echogram. Hence sea floor may not be totally contiguous. 6) Depth of the sea floor was only defined for those areas deemed to be 'on transect', i.e. straight transects for acoustics survey purposes. Deviations from the transect, i.e. to pick up moorings, conduct target or routine trawls or visit nice looking bergs were deemed 'off transect' and were excluded from the analysis. 7) Sea floor depth was primarly defined for the purposes of the acoustics analysis, i.e. exclusion from the echograms. Hence the values in the files are for the 'sea floor exclusion line' that is set above the true sea floor in order to exclude noise from the analysis. This means the sea floor depths in these files are likely to be an underestimate of the true depth. The uncertainty is likely to be of the order of 2 to 10m. 8) Another source of error is that depth was calculated with values of absorption coefficient and sound speed set to default values derived from ...