Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: There are numerous breaks in the constant 1/2 hourly record where ADCP crashes, switch offs, or bad data have prevented data complilation. Several bad values are present in the latitude and longitude data, where anomolous ship positions are indicated, these are flagged in the dataset. ADCP data are given in half hour averages of raw ADCP one per second ping data. A pdf document providing further information about the dataset is available for download at the provided URL. The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data were acquired constantly over the duration of the Australian 2006 V3 BROKE-West survey. Data presented here are the results of 1/2 hour integrations of the cruise data from the start of the voyage in Fremantle, Australia, to the start of the return leg just north of Australia's Davis Station in Antarctica (-66.56S, 77.98E). North and eastward components of the current velocity are given for depths up to 300m below the surface along the ship track. Data Acquisition: The shipboard ADCP is a continuous broadband recording device that operates over the duration of the voyage, ensonifying the water column once a second. As the instrument is fixed to the ship, it has a range of approximately 250m deep. Data from the shipboard Ashtek 3 dimensional GPS system is used along with bottom tracking data (when the water is shallow enough i.e. less than 250m) and automatically integrated into ADCP ping data to provide absolute current velocities. Data Processing: The ship ADCP constantly and automatically collects and stores raw .rawdp binary files in ensembles of three minutes worth of pings. This is regularly automatically collated into larger .adp files containing data for several hours (200+ ensembles). This data are processed for use in analysis using specialist software provided by Mark Rosenberg (mark.rosenberg AT that integrates together data from the ADCP .adp files for periods (30 minutes in this case) over a give time (from cruise start to the ...