Summary:Progress Code: completed This dataset contains webcam images from the three ship-board webcams that were present during the SIPEX II voyage to the sea ice North-East of Casey station, from Hobart in September to November 2012. The ship had webcams mounted on the bridge (facing foreward), the top of the helicopter hangar (facing aft), and the port-side bridge wing (facing portside). Images were taken from each camera every ten minutes. File names consist of which webcam the image was from, followed by an 8 digit date (YYYYMMDD), followed by a sequence number. The folder structure consists of {YEAR}/{WEEK_NUMBER}/{DAY}. The port-side webcam was enabled during the second ice station, so earlier images do not exist. The port side webcam does show a good overview of the activities at each ice station, as well as transits between ice stations. The aft camera recorded pictures of helicopter operations as well as the path of destruction that the ice breaker left in its wake. The fore camera shows a clear picture of ice conditions from the point of view of the bridge (in good weather). The webcams were set up and maintained by Matthew Longmire and Ian McClean of the AAD.