Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The team didn't encounter any major problems with the data set during collection or processing. Purpose To collect soundings and any navigation hazards along the coastline near Davis with the main goal of finding potential barge landing locations. The Australian Antarctic Division identified areas that required hydrographic surveying. (See map available in the download at \Plans and Instructions\HPS Supplied Data\davis_plan_2019_2020 version 5.1.pdf and a shapefile of the identified areas at FSD\ArcGIS\Pink V2\AOI_Unproject_wgs84.shp) A team from the Maritime Geospatial Warfare Unit, of the Australian Hydrographic Service, was at Davis in early February 2020. Single beam and side scanning survey data was collected on the water, beach profiles collected and rock data. Single beam and side scanning survey data Areas A, D, F, H, I, J and K were ice free. Area J was further broken down into four areas, J1, J2, J3 and J4. Areas A, D and F were thoroughly surveyed with 10m mainline spacing with 20m X-line spacing. Areas I, J3 and J4 were surveyed but due to time constraints were surveyed at approximately 40m line spacing to provide 200% sea floor coverage with the SSS to detect any features dangerous to navigation with one shoal detected in area I which is mentioned in Section I. Area H was too shallow to survey at any other time except high tide and it was decided to focus on other areas as the survey of this area would not value add to the required results of the survey. Area J1, J2 and K were not surveyed due to time constraints. RTK corrections or access to the CORS network couldn't be made to the CEESCOPE survey system. Instead positioning during the survey was recorded exclusively with the NovaTel GNSS 850 Antenna. No post processing was conducted. The team wasn't able to determine why the CEESCOPE was unable to connect to the CORS network or Base Station to gain RTK corrections, despite considerable effort spent problem solving and conducting a number of trials. Tide ...