Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The event logs have been checked for accuracy. Two components. The first component is an even log for all station and instrument deployements. The second component is a log where start and end bottom times need to be recorded for instruments for example the benthic trawl. There is one file for each of the logs. Both logs need to be ideally merged into one to have one data source of event information. The start and end bottom times need to ideally go into the event logging system on the ship. 1) Event log for stations and all instrument deployments Stations and instrument deployments were recorded (including failures) over the progress of the voyage to provide a summary of all work carried out over voyage and and assigned an Event ID number for referencing data associated with these events. Data_Format Data was initially recorded in the ship board PostgreSQL database. Data was exported as a comma delimited file 'events.csv' at the end of the voyage. Column 1 - Setcode (voyage identifier of the form 200708030 meaning year 2007-08, voyage 3) Column 2 - Voyage Code (text voyage identifier) Column 3 - Transect ID (transect identifier, no transects were identified this voyage) Column 4 - Station ID (Station identifier, blank for events not associated with a station, CEAMARC project stations are pre-pended with 'CEAMARC', CASo stations are pre-pended with 'CASO', sampling near icebergs for trace metals pre-pended with 'ICEBERG', woCE SR3 transect sampling pre-pended with 'SR3'). Column 5 - Event ID (unique ID across voyage for individual events) Column 6 - Event Type (usually the instrument deployed, self explanatory. One event type 'Plankton Water Sample' refers to mass water sampling undertaken for genomics work). Column 7 - User Reference (id used by individual scientists to reference their data for this event. If left blank they are using the auto assigned event id from this table). Column 8 - Start Timestamp (start timestamp of the event in UTC). Column 9 - Start Latitude ...