Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The data have been acquired at 0.1 Hz. There will be the occasional invalid value such as temperatures being out of range. This dataset has not been checked. Please verify the data before use. Where data for a particular sensor do not exist for a particular time, the last known value is used unless the sensor has been disabled or has encountered an error. For example, some sensors only record data every minute, but the resolution for the underway dataset is 10 seconds, so the same value will be used 6 times a minute. No averages are taken for sensors that capture data at a rate other than every 10 seconds. Instead, each record will be a snapshot of each sensor at that time. This dataset contains the underway data collected during the MS Nella Dan Voyage V5 1984/85 (SIBEX2). Voyage name : Second International BIOMASS Expedition Phase II Voyage leader: H J Marchant Underway (meteorological) data are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL section).