Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: The data were sourced from a draft map prepared by Dr Eric Woehler (AAD), September 2002 (refer to provided URL). The map shows the approximate extent of seabird colonies on Scullin Monolith 1986/87, superimposed on an aerial photograph (Film CASC4000, Run 4, Frame 88). The colony extents are based on the map published in Alonso et al. (1987) and modified using unpublished field notes of G.W. Johnstone prepared in February 1987. The data were 'eyed in' with reference to the coastline and exposed rock data from GIS Dataset 101 (refer to metadata record with id scul_mur) and using the map as a guide. The data conforms to the SCAR Feature Catalogue which includes data quality information (refer to provided URL). Usually mapped to a Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 42. The approximate extent of seabird colonies on Scullin Monolith, Mac.Robertson Land, Antarctica in 1986/87. The species include Adelie Penguin, Antarctic Petrel, Cape Petrel, Southern Fulmar and South Polar Skua.