Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Data_Resolution The FRRF was deployed 115 times. This was at each CTD station except CTD 3-15 (059) and CTD 5-4 (063). Underway data were also collected On Transects 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 and from Davis to Hobart, from the flow-through system in the Oceanographic Lab. FRRF ascent was stopped at CTD 12-3 at some unknown depth as the crew brought in the CTD. There was a delay deploying CTD 12-23, it was turned on and winched up but held for some time before going into the water. Data up to CTD 1-10 (036) were collected at a deployment rate of 0.5m/sec, after this it was slowed to 0.3m/sec. At CTD 3-2(046) PMT Gain was changed from Normal to Autoranging (lower limit 3) and deployment kept at 0.3m/sec down and up, but with an added 30 second stop at 10m and at 100m and PAR cap was removed just before deployment instead of in lab. These conditions remained for the rest of the deployments. Note - there were a number of problems with the instrument used in collecting these data, and therefore these data should be considered of very low quality. The problems were such that the data were not included in the BROKE-West special volume. At each CTD station the Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) was carried out onto the trawl deck and shackled (+ cable tie) to the winch cable. When the crew in the aft control room were ready the PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) cap was removed and the FRRF activated with the magnet. It was deployed at a rate of 0.3m/sec to 10m, stopped for 30sec, then the descent was continued to 100m at same rate where it was stopped for another 30 sec. The FRRF was then brought back up at 0.3m/sec to deck. Once on deck the FRRF was turned off, it was hosed down with hot fresh water and the PAR cap replaced. Underway data were collected from the flow-through system in the lab on all South/North transects. West to East legs were not surveyed. The FRRF data were downloaded after every Vertical Drop and at the end of the Underway legs. The post-processing and ...