Summary:Progress Code: completed Statement: Values provided in temporal and spatial coverage are approximate only. Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2184 See the link below for public details on this project. The objectives of this project were: To characterise the mating system of the Weddell seal by: 1) acoustically tracking males under the ice during the breeding season, 2) measuring changes in health and condition of individual males over the breeding season, 3) determining whether vocalisations are used as advertisements of individual quality to attract females, and/or in male-male competition, 4) develop and use a combination of microsatellite loci tests to assign paternity to newborn pups, and then use these results to determine whether the variance in male mating success is related to territory size, tenure and/or individual characteristics. A large number of collected data files are available for download. Many files are in an unknown format, but will open with a standard text editor. See below for summaries of the two seasons of fieldwork. 1997/1998 Season: In November/December 1997, we conducted a pilot study at the Turtle Rock colony (77.727S, 166.85E) in McMurdo Sound. All of the techniques outlined in the proposal were successfully trialled. Acoustic pingers were attached to seven males and five females for a total deployment of 104 seal days and mass and morphometrics obtained for each animal. Preliminary analysis of male movements indicate that males held adjacent yet non-overlapping territories on the southern side of Turtle Rock, along a major ice crack and where the congregation of females was highest. Both the size and shape of the males territories, and the evidence from the vocalisation data show that we captured the dominant males at the site. Both males and females were immobilised using Ketamine/Diazepam with no loss of an animal, nor signs of respiratory depression. Vocalisations were recorded from all territory holding males, and both behavioural and vocal responses of both male ...