Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded Statement: Geomorphometry of the Australian Marine Parks was calculated using geomorphon function in the Whitebox tools package (version 2.1.5) in R. Specific search distances and slope thresholds varied between parks, ranging from 10-100 cells for the search distances and 1.5-10 degrees for slope. Bathymetry was collated from existing holdings within AusSeaBed portal. The raster cell resolution of some Marine Parks was up-scaled to allow for efficient processing. Example dataset, R code, and specific distance and slope parameters are provided in "" in this submission Credit Australian Government’s Our Marine Parks Grant This dataset provides geomorphic features of the Australian Marine Parks (2022). The data was generated by Seamap Australia as part of an Our Marine Parks (Parks Australia) project with funding from the Australian Government to improve knowledge relating to classification of the Australian Marine Parks real estate. Bathymetry data was collated from existing AusSeabed data holdings and compiled into multi-resolution bathymetry mosaics for each Park (see All publicly available bathymetry data as at 30th June 2022 was included. Macquarie Island was updated on 25/08/2023 to reflect the new AMP boundaries. The Whitebox tools package in R was used to calculate geomorphometry using the geomorphron function. Processing for each Park was addressed manually, with search distances and slope thresholds adjusted between Parks depending on quality and resolution of bathymetry data, and characteristics of the seafloor. Geomorphons were classified into geomorphic features using the Dove et al (2020) Seabed Morphology Features Glossary. These geomorphic units provide a consistent way to classify the seabed and may be used in combination with visual validation methods to develop benthic habitat maps. Data is supplied as a Web Map ...