Summary:These plans show lands to be taken by resumption or other instrument for railway purposes. The plans detail lot numbers, referring to numbers allocated to individual lots and owners. The Engineer in Chief, the Commissioners as the Constructing Authority and the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly or Council generally signed Proclaimed plans. The plans usually bear the common seal of the Constructing Authority. Plan numbers are preceded by the prefix ‘P’ or ‘PH’. Plans are arranged numerically, but the numbers are not necessarily chronological. Gaps in the numbering indicates that not all plans have survived. Books of reference, containing detailed descriptions of affected property referenced in the proclaimed plans, generally accompanied the plans for exhibition to affected communities, allowing landowners and occupants to lodge objections to areas being proclaimed. Custody History From 1955 until 2000 the State Rail Authority of New South Wales maintained an ‘in house archives’ consisting of the archival records of the Authority, its predecessor agencies and the private railway companies taken over by the government. The date ranges of the records were from 1849 until 2000. When the decision was made to close the ‘State Rail Archives’ the parts of the collection that were required as State archives were transferred to the State Records Authority of NSW. Those record series were incorporated into the State Records series system of archives control and were re-numbered. This series was formerly part of the State Rail Archives collection where it was identified as series R50. It may have been viewed in the State Rail Archives as series R50 and could have been previously cited as such in notes by researchers at State Rail Archives or in publications or unpublished works.