Summary:The data are currently in an unprocessed form and require specialised processing for interpretation. The technical documentation relating to the weighbridge (which will provide further information on the interpretation of data) is available from the provided URL. The dataset comprises records of crossings by Adelie penguins of a weighbridge and gateway established on Bechervaise Island. The weighbridge and gateway are positioned so that most or all of the penguins breeding in a set of sub-colonies on the island cross the weighbridge when they leave the colony to forage and when they return from foraging. The gateway records the time of each crossing, the dynamic weight of the penguin as it crosses, and the identity of penguins that have been sub-cutaneously tagged. The weighbridge and gateway operate continuously throughout the austral breeding season. The data are currently in an unprocessed form. The weighbridge was originally established in 1990/91 to collect data for Australia's contribution to the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program. It has operated continuously through each Adelie penguin breeding season since then and contribute to the long-term seabird monitoring program at Mawson.