Summary:Environmental data were sourced from: Johnson, R., Strutton, P.G., Wright, S.W., McMinn, A. and Meiners, K.M. (2013) Three improved satellite chlorophyll algorithms for the Southern Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 3694-3703. Raymond, B. (2012) Polar environmental data layers. Australian Antarctic Data Centre, CAASM Metadata. Reynolds, R.W., Smith, T.M., Liu, C., Chelton, D.B., Casey, K.S. and Schlax, M.G. (2007) Daily High-Resolution-Blended Analyses for Sea Surface Temperature. Journal of Climate, 20, 5473-5496. Ridgway, K.R., Dunn, J.R. and Wilkin, J.L. (2002) Ocean interpolation by four-dimensional least squares -Application to the waters around Australia. Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology, 19, 1357-1375. This dataset contains environmental layers used to model the predicted distribution of demersal fish bioregions for the paper: Hill et al. (2020) Determining Marine Bioregions: A comparison of quantitative approaches, Methods in Ecology and Evolution. It contains climatological variables from satellite and modelled data that represent sea floor and sea surface conditions likely to affect the distribution of demersal fish including: depth, slope, seafloor temperatures, seafloor current, seafloor nitrate, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a standard deviation and sea surface height standard deviation. Layers are presented at 0.1 degree resolution. "prediction_space" is a Rda file for R that consists of two objects: env_raster: a raster stack of the environmental layers pred_sp: a data.frame version of the env_raster where some variables have been transformed for statistical analysis and bioregion prediction. "Env_data_sources.xlsx" contains a description of each environmental variable and it's source. This dataset was used as an example dataset in the paper: Hill et al. (2020) Determining Marine Bioregions: A comparison of quantitative approaches, Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Different analytical approaches to determining bioregions were compared using this data and associated demersal fish data contained in: AAS_4142_RSTS_DemersalFish_Extract